The Paraphilia of Exhibitionism
Chapter 1
Exhibitionism is a deviant behavior characterized by a strong urge to fantasize or expose ones genital parts to strangers even without their consent. It is a paraphilia referring to continuous atypical sexual tendencies where individuals derive arousal from exposing their sexual organs in the public. It is a paraphilic disorder and as such also comes with a significant clinical impairment. There are various subtypes of this disorder based on the age of persons to whom people with the exhibitionistic condition prefer exposing their sexual parts. Whereas some exhibitionistic individuals love exposing their genitals to underage children, some expose just to adults and others to both. This paper explores the paraphilia of exhibitionism and what the life of someone having the disorder is like.
Among men it is approximated the prevalence of this paraphilia is 2percent to 4 percent and the statistics are even lower in women. There are actually very few diagnoses of the disorder in women. Nearly 30 persons of all male sexual offenders who get apprehended end up being diagnosed with exhibitionistic paraphilia. Recidivism is typically highest among these individuals and 20% to 50% of them often end up being rearrested. Characteristically exhibitionists tend to masturbate while exposing their genitals to un-consenting persons. They may also fantasize a lot about exposing their nudes to other people without their approval. Onset of exhibitionism tendencies is often during the adolescence stage. Very rarely does it begin to manifest in preadolescence ages or the middle ages.

Chapter 2
Some people express their exhibitionist tendencies as strong enjoyment for other persons watching their public sexual acts. Their goal is not annoy but to derive pleasure exposing their sexual behaviors. They get would mostly go online or in night clubs to find other people of similar interests. Often they starting making pornographic films and sometimes even become adult entertainers. Most of the time they are never troubled by the fact that their behaviors are deviant.
For exhibitionists life can be very challenging; it is not only illegal but also does not go down well with norms in most societies. Therefore I think living for even just a day in their shoes can be risky and difficult alike. You have to be always suspicious and watchful of the surroundings. This is because while you want derive your sexual arousal by exposing your genitals, many people may not approve the behavior. You could as well be beaten up and injured.
In conclusion therefore the paraphilia of exhibitionism involves achieving sexual arousal by exposing genitals to strangers. There is also a very strong urge to be seen publicly engaging in sexual acts. Exhibitionist individuals expose their private parts to non-consenting people and in so doing they experience significant functional distress especially when the behavior becomes compulsive. It is however a very dare disorder affecting just approximately up to 4% of males and even fewer females. It is therefore a psychiatric condition requiring psychological interventions.

1. Richard, D. Laws and William T. O’Donohue. (2008). Sexual Deviance: TEheory, Assesment and Treatment. Guilford Press.
2. Ron Langevin. (2013). Sexual Strands: Understanding and Treating Sexual Anomalies in Men. Routledge.

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