Teenage pregnancy is one of the problems that have remained on the rise in the modern society. The issue of teenage pregnancy is a matter talked about across the world. Regarding this, several discussions on teenage pregnancy revealed some of the risk factors associated with getting pregnant as a teenager. The renowned risks are resulting from individual behavior and teenager’s background including their environment. The different behaviors include the substance abuse and use in the forms of alcohol or drugs, teens that are sexually active, early onset of puberty, and lack of spiritual life. On the other hand, the cultural and environmental issues include lack of reproductive health and accurate sexual information, high rates of violent crime and school dropouts, and low community income (Thobejane, 2015). However, research programs have shown that teen pregnancy poses health complications to the adolescent and needs preventive measures at all cost.
Being a resident of Texas sources have shown that the rate of teenage pregnancy has reduced significantly. Most of the teenage births were found among the minority populations such as Hispanics and African American. Furthermore, research also indicated that birth rates among teenagers have dropped since in 2004, the total rates of teen pregnancy were 40.5% as compared to that in 2014 that fell to 24.2% (Medinfo et al., 2007). The decrease is because of the existence of Texas Freedom Network that has always advocated for sex education where the adolescents are taught how to use contraceptives correctly. Furthermore, there is integration of contraceptives into the curriculum where every teenager gets access to it.

1. Medinfo, In Kuhn, K. A., In Warren, J. R., & In Leong, T.-Y. (2007). MEDINFO 2007: Proceedings of the 12th World Congress on Health (Medical) Informatics : building sustainable health systems.
2. Thobejane, T. D. (2015). Factors Contributing to Teenage Pregnancy in South Africa: The Case of Matjitjileng Village.

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