Technology Implementation
Diamond (2015) demonstrates that the Electronic Medical Records and Billing System service consists of an electronic documentation of health-associated information on a person that can be gathered, administered and consulted by authorized practitioner in a health care sector. The system in its capacity facilitates workflow and develops the quality of patient care and safety. The paper essentially illustrates in detail on the Electronic Medical Records and Billing System on the basis of penalties offered, its benefits and the process of accessing the system is all about. The reader is able to understand the system in a more detailed and understandable perspective.
How to Access Electronic Medical Records and Billing Systems Assistance
First and foremost, it has to be noted that the aspect of accessing Electronic Medical Records and Billing Systems is a fundamental attribute to both the patient and the practitioner as the right medication is offered based on the information stored in the system. For one to access the Electronic Medical Records and Billing System service, the Blue Button needs to be used for matters related to downloading documents (Bonewit-West & Applegate, 2015). For instance, the process will entail registering to the health care site, where all the healthcare concerns for a patient will be recorded. Information recorded in the system has to be accurate and genuine, so as to permit practitioners to effectively attend to patients in a professional manner. The process will be made effective through use of passwords known to patients alone while accessing the information. Diamond (2015) shows that the Blue Button will permit patients to electronically access information, thus permitting patients to reference their health records and at the same time confirm the accuracy of the records. Every step provided on the site has to be followed to make sure that all the security concerns are pursued to the latter.

How Electronic Medical Records and Billing Systems Can Be Used Now and in the Near Future
The Electronic Medical Records and Billing Systems are likely to take over the next several years in healthcare. Currently, the system can be used to improve the quality, safety and efficiency needed to implement the needs of patients. The process can also be used to engage patients and families in their care, thus improve care and coordination between patients and doctors. The system can also be used to ascertain adequate privacy and security for personnel health information and for patients as well (Bonewit-West & Applegate, 2015). The process can entail creating passwords which are only known to the person in need of an account with the system.
The Electronic Medical Record and Billing System service can be used to replace paper-based medical records which can be incomplete, hard to read and fragmented. The replacement is significant as it means less space and administrative resources. The system is even better when implemented as it will ascertain that the healthcare system is properly streamlined in terms of workflow. The system is also likely to be utilized in the near future because of its nature to offer the healthcare provider instant access to other clinicians’ evaluations (Diamond, 2015). The system is essential as it acts as fundamental tool for big data research via the huge information found in databases.
What Penalties are Involved in Evasion of the 2014 Technology Mandate?
Based on the fact that the Electronic Medical Records and Billing System is a government initiative program, there are penalties. The penalties have been placed to ensure that citizens comply with the rules and regulations of the system and to benefit both the medical providers and the patients as well. For instance, medical practitioners who fail the meaningful healthcare use their Medicare payments will be deducted by 1%. The reduction decreases to 2% annually if the practitioner fails to demonstrate their meaningful purpose in healthcare (Bonewit-West & Applegate, 2015). Thus, people ought to be educated on the contents of the 2014 technology mandate, for one to avoid penalties being imposed to him or her.

To sum up: the paper looks at the Electronic Medical Records and Billing (EMRB) as a system where electronic record of health-related information of a person is gathered, administered and consultation made by authorized practitioner in a health care sector. Apparently, the EMRB can help the healthcare system to be streamlined in terms of workflow. It can also be used in future to offer the healthcare provider instant access to other clinicians’ evaluations. The benefits are achievable as it is a fundamental tool for big data research. Significantly, the system is significant as it helps a practitioner easily and positively access a patient’s medical records at a click of a blue button.
1. Bonewit-West, K., & Applegate, E. (2015). Today’s Medical Assistant: Clinical and Administrative Procedures, Elsevier health Sciences.
2. Diamond, M. (2015). Understanding Hospital Coding and Billing: A Worktext. Edition 3. Cengage Learning.

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