Stakeholder’s Management
Stakeholders’ management has been identified as one of the most important aspect that would form part of my EBP project. Like in most projects, multiple stakeholders will be involved in the wound care and management project for the elderly persons. Because each stakeholder has a potential ability to either speed up, slow down or completely obstruct your progress. According to Project (2013), most stakeholders may not be visualized in the front part of the project, but the reality is that every stakeholder regardless of his position is an extremely useful advocate, sponsor or agent of change. Since the wound care project is based on a clinical setting, both internal and external stakeholders shall be involved. The following have been identified as the stakeholders to enhance the success of this project.
Healthcare Facility
A healthcare facility constitutes the premise at which diagnostic and clinical care management are taking place. With reference to wound care and management project, the healthcare facility will be utilized as an imperative premise to facilitate the management of pressure ulcers and weight of the project responsibility.

Acute care nurses would be mainly involved for this project. Up to five nurses have been identified. According to Hockenberry, Wilson and Wong (2013), acute care nurses are responsible for the provision of high quality care to patients. Therefore, the nurses would play a significant role in caring for patients with pressure ulcers on a daily basis during the entire project cycle.
The doctor’s role would to conduct examination before the commencement of the project and after the commencement of the project to determine the project that may have worked best for the patients.
Though they shall be categorized as external stakeholders, patients are recognized as primary stakeholders in a healthcare management project (In Kahan, In Gielen, In Fagan & In Green, 2014). Therefore, they would form the premise at which the entire project shall be conducted.

1. Project, M. J. (2013). Managing Projects in Africa: Essentials from the Project Management Journal. Hoboken: Wiley.
2. Hockenberry, M. J., Wilson, D., & Wong, D. L. (2013). Wong’s essentials of pediatric nursing. St. Louis, Mo: Elsevier/Mosby.
3. In Kahan, S., In Gielen, A. C., In Fagan, P. J., & In Green, L. W. (2014). Health behavior change in populations.

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