Speak Up Brochure Joint Commission
The brochure covers a large section of health from adults to kids’ health and the general health regarding medical conditions and their treatment, Infant and Children’s Health Care and General Health Care. The brochure is quite elaborate in many ways especially in outlining the different disorder classifications and how best to improve on these conditions. Nonetheless, the brochure limits its readers to five options in dialysis and diabetes which have huge psychological limitations to patients who could use a lot more information to change their situations. The topic of diabetes and dialysis is quite intriguing as the issue is quite relatable in the society with relatives who suffer from the same (Gordon & Buresh, 2016). The topic creates interest as it creates awareness on how best turn the negatives to positives and a positive, healthy lifestyle. The brochures provide quite essential information that is not complicated to understand whereby patients can use the information to sustain and improve their conditions.
Information in the brochure is well presented for readers whether suffering from these circumstances or not to understand. It creates a new wavelength with limited steps for the nursing sector to understand and implement the five steps on diabetes and dialysis. These steps applied in nursing would improve caregiving services to patients hence necessitating quickly recovery (Buck, 2013). The brochure is quite applicable in all ages but mostly the elderly as they form the majority of the cases discussed in the brochure. It is also relevant to nurses and other clinicians and patients who want to prevent the occurrence of certain diseases. It is also keen to clinicians as it provides precise methods of prevention and control of disorders which narrows the approach in treating and managing such diseases (Gram, 2014). The information presented in the brochure will be helpful in reducing risk as it creates awareness from the young age to adulthood and precise modes of prevention.

1. Buck, H. (2013). The Joint Commission “speaks up” for palliative care. Nursing, 43(5), 14. http://dx.doi.org/10.1097/01.nurse.0000428707.96625.67
2. Gordon, S., & Buresh, B. (2016). Speak Up Speak Out: Publicizing Nursing Research. The American Journal Of Nursing, 96(10), 62. http://dx.doi.org/10.2307/3465061
3. Gram, L. (2014). Silent clusters – speak up!. Microbial Biotechnology, 8(1), 13-14. http://dx.doi.org/10.1111/1751-7915.12181

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