Sexual Rights Policy
The policy in reference is called “Sexual Rights Policy”. This policy acknowledges and appreciates the significance of emotional and physical intimacy among patients (World Health Organization, 2015). The policy assumes that human interactions are normal and natural in every aspect of life.
The rationale for developing the “Sexual Rights Policy” is that each of the patients is entitled to autonomy, civil and privacy rights. The rights must be protected and promoted at all levels. The policy ultimately acknowledges and appreciate that patients also need to take part in the sexual activity as long as there is consent among the patients who are involved. The patients also must be aged enough. Consent in this case among the adults has to be shown through words or affirmative actions. The policy is formed on the foundations that adults are entitled to their beliefs, preferences, and choices in regards to matters sexuality. The policy requires that when evaluating the sexual activity, the caregivers, as well as the professional, have to put aside the biases and judgment and ensure that they maintain objectivity at all times.

While developing this policy, there were a couple of difficult decisions that I had to make. First, was to ensure that as much as the patients are given a chance for emotional and physical intimacy, it must be out of consent. Determining the threshold of consent was not easy. One would not accurately state when the other parties consented.
When making and adopting their own policies, the administrators need to consult widely. This is to ensure that the policy adopted is popular and given a nod across the board.
1. World Health Organization. (2015). Sexual health, human rights and the law. World Health Organization.

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