Senior Services of Southeastern Virginia
Senior services of southeastern Virginia: The center for ageing, is a regional organization based at Interstate Corporate center in South Hampton Roads. The Centre provides basic healthcare for the seniors of age 60 years and above. It also offers support for people aged 18years and above with disability. But majorly the center is there to address the issues on healthy living at old age to enable them independently with their families. Its services benefit mostly the residents of Franklin, Virginia Beach, Norfolk, Suffolk, Portsmouth and Chesapeake cities. At each of these cities, the Centre has well established offices where services are rendered (Senior Services of Southeastern Virginia: The Center for Aging, 2017).
Services and programs offered
Most services offered here are in-home services.

- Delivering meals to homes
- Transitions care
- I-Ride transit
- Medical benefits counselling and information seminars
- Personal care program
- Home medications management
- Wellness classes
- Senior companion program
- Support for the caregiver
Senior services of southeastern Virginia, provide its services to homes of people with disability and the aging as well.
Cost of services provided
The cost of services provided is quite affordable. The organization’s vision is to ensure independency of the older Virginians and those living with disability. It is more of a charity; thus its services are relatively cheap.
Healthy living counselors, nursing care partners, team coordinators and safety partners who work as volunteers.

The organization gets its funds from charity institutions and well
1. Senior Services of Southeastern Virginia. (2017, March 14). Retrieved from
2. Senior Services of Southeastern Virginia: The Center for Aging. (2017, March 14). Retrieved from

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