Role of RN in American Nurses’ Association
Answer to Question #1
While nursing care coordination in providing quality health care remains the key feature of a Registered Nurse, I look forward to guidance from American Nurses’ Association (ANA) in this direction. Such guidance from ANA will enhance my understanding of care coordination regarding fulfillment of needs of the patients within the given time frame towards provision of quality health-care. In addition, such guidance will enlighten me on the methods of sharing information, using modern technology, among all stakeholders. Accordingly, I will be able to organize, with the help of this guidance, the care coordination process involving two or more patients for providing the required quality health-care services. (The, 2012)
I totally agree with the Christine Ryan, author of an article titled “2017 American Nurses’ Association Hill Day”, who informs that nurses play a key role in delivery of accessible quality health-care, which every patient can afford. Accordingly, I expect major contribution from ANA in the direction of working continuously with political leaders and American Congress members for protection of everyone’s affordable access to quality health-care. (Ryan, 2017)

Answer to Question #2
While working with ANA, I will be able to coordinate with other nursing and health-care professionals towards delivery of successful care-coordination process, involving team efforts. Accordingly, I can contribute in this process through my own understanding of innovative designs for implementation of a successful delivery system of care-coordination process, which is team-based, in the direction of meeting quality health-care demands of all concerned. (Care, 2012)
In addition, I would like to be associated with ANA so that I can advocate for provision of more nursing staff as well as better and safer work-places, to deliver best quality health-care to all patients.
1. Care Coordination and Registered Nurses’ Essential Role, (2012), Publication from ANA, Retrieved on 25 Nov 2017, from: http://nursingworld.org/MainMenuCategories/Policy-Advocacy/Positions-and-Resolutions/ANAPositionStatements/Position-Statements-Alphabetically/Care-Coordination-and-Registered-Nurses-Essential-Role.html
2. Ryan, C., (2017), The Value of Nursing Care Coordination, Article from American Nurses’ Association, Retrieved on 25 Nov 2017, from: http://www.nursingworld.org/carecoordinationwhitepaper
3. The Value of Nursing Care Coordination, (2012), Article from American Nurses’ Association, Hill Day, Vermont, Connection 20 (4).6, Retrieved on 25 Nov 2017, from: http://www.nursingworld.org/carecoordinationwhitepaper

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