The research question that is addressed comprehensively in the table is “To establish the causes of high labor turnover among nurses.” Information was obtained from quantitative studies conducted on nurses working in different hospitals, which are located in varying locations across the world. The first study is based on data collected from Sweden. The second two research in the summary table are based on data collected in Africa, the next relates to the Middle East health sector, and the last focuses on Asia. Since the problem of nursing turnover is experienced across the globe, it was important to understand if the reasons for the phenomenon are similar in all the areas. However, more attention was given to Africa because it is categorized as one of the regions in the world that have very poor medical policies and care practices.
All the studies in the summary table were conducted on nurses working in either the public or private sector. The first study used cross-sectional designs that helped the analysts to get an overview of the situation, and at the same time identify the cause of the problem. The second paper uses the descriptive research design.

On the other hand, the third study uses a cross-sectional research design, where the respondents have varying experiences and interests but share a common goal. This is the same type of design for the fourth study. However, there is a slight difference because the fourth research uses a case study, while the third uses a general sample obtained from the population.
From the four studies, several factors lead to the high turnover rate among nurses. First of all, the poor working conditions in some of the institutions are to blame; the medics may find it hard to access the right working equipment or are forced to work under unhygienic conditions. Secondly, reduced salary payments also deter many nurses from remaining in a particular health facility particularly public hospitals (Momanyi & Kaimenyi, 2015). Additionally, the nurses also tend to abandon a hospital if the quality of their life is not improving, hence go in search of greener pastures. Another aspect that influences the actions of the medics is the unavailability of training and development, which limits their ability to climb their career ladder and burnout (Rudman, Gustavsson, & Hultell, 2013). Since all the factors discussed affect the rate of job satisfaction directly or indirectly, they are important in creating the right environment for the nurses. Although the studies reveal that nurses working in private institutions are more satisfied compared to their counterparts in the public domain, there is a general feeling of high un-satisfaction that lead to the high turnover rates.
Additionally, the sample size in each of the four studies was carefully selected. In the first study, 2231individuals were chosen to take part in the study, they had different goals when moving into the nursing profession. On the other hand, the sample in the second study was obtained from the nurses that worked within one of the most prominent mission hospitals in Kenya. For the third study, the analysts selected one region for the study, where all the nurses in the area had an equal chance of being included in the survey process (Almalki, FitzGerald, & Clark, 2012). In the fourth study in the summary table, the sample selection was chosen after the selection of one hospital from a group of other five institutions. Care was given to ensure that the respondents were a good representative of all the actions at the institution; hence they were drawn from different departments of the health facility.

However, there were several limitations in these studies. First of all, some of the sampling methods used exhibited several weaknesses. Since selective sampling techniques were used in some of the studies, it made it impossible for the analysts to obtain information free from bias. Moreover, the situation was made worse in some of the research where the analysts did not have direct contact with the respondents. Here, they were forced to go through intermediaries who had the power to coerce some of the respondents to provide answers to the questions.
Besides, the data obtained in some of the hospitals was not compared to other areas. For instance, in the fourth study, only one private institution was used throughout the study (Chien & Yick, 2016). Since the other competing organizations were not considered, the research findings cannot be used to generalize the situation in the last of the medical institutions. Although the studies were concerned with the behavior of nurses, the opinion of other professionals was also taken into account. However, the researchers were not careful in the manner through which some of the questions were formulated. For example, in the first study, all the three classes of respondents answered the same type of questions; there was no distinction to fit their job description.
It is noteworthy that the quantitative data in the summarized articles sums up the situation in the health industry. There is a high prevalence rate of turnover among the nurses which is driven by internal and external factors. To comprehensively address this challenge, it is critical for all the stakeholders to be involved in the process. New policies should be introduced to increase the motivation levels of the professionals, hence ensure that the problem does not continue to occur.

1. Almalki, M. J., FitzGerald, G., & Clark, M. (2012). The relationship between quality of work life and turnover intention of primary health care nurses in Saudi Arabia. BMC Health Services Research, 1-30. doi:10.1186/1472-6963-12-314
2. Chien, W.-T., & Yick, S.-Y. (2016). An Investigation of Nurses’ Job Satisfaction in a Private Hospital and Its Correlates. The Open Nursing Journal, 99-112. doi:10.2174/1874434601610010099
3. Momanyi, N. B., & Kaimenyi, C. K. (2015). An Investigation into Factors Causing High Nurse Turnover in Mission Hospitals in Kenya: A Case for Pcea Chogoria Hospital. International Journal of Academic Research in Business and Social Sciences, 55-86. doi:10.6007/IJARBSS/v5-i3/1499
4. Rudman, A., Gustavsson, P., & Hultell, D. (2013). A prospective study of nurses’ intentions to leave the. International Journal of Nursing.

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