Research Questions: Major Components of Healthcare System
Question 1
Information systems are vital to every organization that needs to prosper in its activities. Organizations have the responsibility to ensure that the design of the information system contributes to its effectiveness and enable its strategic outcomes. The organization should recognize and manage the complexity of the information systems to ensure its effectiveness in the organization. The organization should also prioritize the information systems to the organization’s needs, for example, a healthcare organization may use the computers purposefully for their intended purposes (Bardhan, & Thouin, 2013). Another measure is adoption where the organization will be required to focus on the information systems to achieve the expected outcomes of the organization. The adoption might include adopting the modern technology and its implements such as internet and organizations apps (Weaver, Ball, Kim& Kiel, 2016). The organization should also ensure that all the employees are trained how to use the information systems such as computers to reduce the risk of their vulnerability.
Question 2
Computerized healthcare information/ data is transmitted or transferred among the different healthcare information systems using standards. The data standards comprise of methods, terminologies, protocols, and specifications for the exchange, collection, retrieval and storage of the healthcare information. One of the standards is the Electronic Health Records profile. The HRM is a standard that compasses of storing the patient’s information into the organization that is useful for future treatments of the particular patient. The standard is eligible in providing functional profiles, and models enable it to ensure the management of health records stored electronically. The electronic medical records work effectively in the organization by storing the patient’s data in computers. The data include the diagnoses and any personal information that relates to the patients’ health. The record is to be confidential which is ethical for its functioning. The EHR was first established I the 1960s where Lockheed developed a clinical information system. The EHR was supported by the government of the United States of America. Its flexibility allowed many users and healthcare organizations to adopt the standard which brought many positive changes.

Question 3
Healthcare quality, safety, and financial decision makings are the major components in healthcare that is competitive and requires more strategies to improve them. Technology is eligible for ensuring the improvement of the three elements. Technology enhances the quality of healthcare in the delivery systems where technology is used extensively in delivering healthcare services. Technology improves communication in the healthcare delivery centers that ensure it’s effective. There is also machinery such as the intensive care units and life support machines that are used to enhance the quality of healthcare in the hospitals and clinics. Use of computers also enhances storage of healthcare data that ensures the security of the data and the healthcare organization. More of external security such as secret cameras and monitoring machines can be used to safeguard the internal components of the healthcare centers such as patients and the employees. Technology also ensures safety I delivering treatment to the patients who are in need of proper healthcare treatment. The treatments are delivered safely to the patients and successfully. In financial management decisions in the healthcare industry, technology counts a lot. It first ensures proper use of data that helps in reducing the budget of the organization for example in the EHR; the organization will not need to spend much in buying papers and files for record keeping in the organization (Koppel& Lehmann, 2014).
Question 4
There are many issues associated with healthcare that comprises of legal, ethical and regulatory issues. They equally impact on healthcare and healthcare systems. One of the legal issues is the risk of medical malpractice. It is an issue that evolves among the healthcare stakeholders who might misuse and misunderstand the scope of the implements such as technology. It can be related to the information system in healthcare including the EMR that medical malpractice risk increases during its implementation (Pozgar, 2011). The ethical issue in healthcare is confidentiality of patient’s information. It can be accommodated in the healthcare information system where by one of the major Ethical issues that are described by many theorists include confidentiality. It is the right of the clients, and ethical practices privatize and confine the patient’s information as long as it exists in the electronic health records. Finally, the regulatory issue in healthcare is patients’ protection that entails the satisfaction of the patients’ needs by the healthcare delivery system. The patients’ protection is ethically related to healthcare information in that the confidentiality and the privacy of the patients’ information must be respected at all costs.
1. Bardhan, I. R., & Thouin, M. F. (2013). Health information technology and its impact on the quality and cost of healthcare delivery. Decision Support Systems, 55(2), 438-449.
2.Koppel, R., & Lehmann, C. U. (2014). Implications of an emerging EHR monoculture for hospitals and healthcare systems. Journal of the American Medical Informatics Association, 22(2), 465-471.
3. Pozgar, G. D. (2011). Legal aspects of health care administration. Jones & Bartlett Publishers.
4. Weaver, C. A., Ball, M. J., Kim, G. R., & Kiel, J. M. (2016). Healthcare information management systems. Cham: Springer International Publishing.

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