Professional Nursing Essay
Nursing is a broad field comprised of many roles. It is the progression, assurance, and optimization of abilities and health. Nursing is also the prevention of distress and illness, and alleviation of affliction through evaluation and therapy of human responses as well as advocacy in the care of families, individuals, and community. The profession of nursing requires specialized and prolonged learning for one to acquire the relevant skills needed. During their study process, nurses, therefore, adopt professional values which act as ideals, standards, and principles that guide them during their daily conducts. This essay will define professional nursing and describe the philosophical and ethical elements of nursing.
Professional nurses in the United States refer to individuals who hold a Bachelor of Science in Nursing (BSN) or an ADN. Also, for one to practice professional nursing, they must sit for the National Council Licensure Exam (NCLEX-RN) after which they become licensed Registered Nurse (RN). Professional nurses are also required to be savvy technologically. The RNs are responsible for developing individualized care, assessing symptoms and medical history of patients, implementing the recovery plan of patients based on their evaluation and tests (Krautscheid, 2014), and overseeing their medications and treatment.

There are philosophical forces that compose and dictate the practice of each nurse. Possessing exceptional philosophical strengths enables one to maintain a good character, to be well rounded, and respectful. Philosophy in healthcare is attributed with elemental questions such as; what are the necessary constraints for quality assurance and clinical trials? Who can decide on when the patient requires comfort measures by allowing them to die naturally or provide medications to terminate their anguish? Moral or ethical premises of healthcare, on the other hand, are intricate and complex. They constitute the most significant portion of moral philosophy (Bell, 2015). Nursing ethics focuses on bioethical and ethical issues from the viewpoint of nursing practice and theory. Nursing as a profession is guided by codes of ethics which guides them through their daily conducts. The practice is guided by principal elements such as compassion, trustworthiness, respectfulness, and integrity.
In conclusion, professional nursing involves RNs who partakes a Bachelor of Science in Nursing. The professional nurses take various responsibilities in the care facility and oversee the LPNs. Ethics in Nursing requires the nurses to assume the duties of supporting and initiating actions that meet the social and health needs of the public, and at the same time, ensure that individuals receive sufficient, timely, and accurate information in the best appropriate manner possible.
1. Bell, L. (2015). Code of Ethics for Nurses With Interpretive Statements. Critical Care Nurse, 35(4), 84-84. Doi: 10.4037/ccn2015639
2. Krautscheid, L. (2014). Defining Professional Nursing Accountability: A Literature Review. Journal of Professional Nursing, 30(1), 43-47. Doi: 10.1016/j.profnurs.2013.06.008

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