I plan to complete a number of practice experiences in my MSN core courses. I shall allocate adequate time to exploit all the areas in these courses. To ensure maximum experience, each course practice shall take 45 hours. However, I might not attain the desired practice experiences single-handedly. I will, most cases, rely on the guidance of my preceptor and an MSN nurse. Already, I have made progresses in some core course. I anticipate gaining more experience in the remaining courses.
Core Courses
In N501PE (MSN Role Development), I have already completed the Certified Background Check, and gained the relevant experience. Currently, am working on Theoretical Foundations (N505PE). Here, I have familiarized myself with the Practice Experience documents in this course. I have also initiated dialogue to establish a preceptor arrangement. I have explored Nursing Presentation Hall and listen to five presentations. Explored nursing theorists work via websites or webinars. I will interview two peers in nursing. I will interview a person in nursing leadership role and document what nursing theory they use. I will follow a nurse manager and to observe the nursing theory they follow on daily bases. Also, I shall observe and document the difference between advanced practice nurses, nurse educators and nurse leaders. Complete reflective journaling and documentation of practice experiences. In Research Design (N515PE), I shall do my best to explore all Nursing presentation Hall, and listen to at least five of the presentations. I shall find a nurse who is well versed with Research Design and get more insight from him or her. I will try to put the knowledge gain through this mentor into practice. From the considerable knowledge and skills attained here, I shall strive to complete the Laster Clinical Judgment Scale on my own. In Advanced Physical Assessment (N522PE), I have already completed the 45 hours in Shadow Health by studying the objective and subjective assessments in nine body systems.

Under Specialization Courses, I have specialized in N570PE, N571PE and N572PE. All these fall under Infection Prevention and Control. In N570PE, I shall utilize the 45 hours in applying the theoretical concepts related to infection control and prevention within the health facility and the surrounding communities. I shall also assess and recommend amicable strategies for improving infection control and prevention in the health care setting and the community. The communities shall be sensitized about various communicable diseases and their prevention. In N571PE, I shall carefully apply theories and best practices to the design of surveillance systems. Thereafter, I will come up with plausible recommendations on how to improve the design, implementation, and informational integrity of a community public health. In N572PE (Surveillance and Epidemiologic Investigation), I shall closely work with my preceptor to review the current status of data collection and interpretation in the healthcare area. From the insight obtained therein, I shall initiate a project on Surveillance and Epidemiologic Investigation in the surrounding communities.
Primary Practice Experience Organization
The setting of this Practice Experience shall be a hospital system called Nortwell Health Care. It is located in New York. The hospital is a nonprofit community facility. This hospital has a capacity of 408 beds. To obtain the attachment, the hospital requires an affiliation agreement. In this case, I shall use an affiliation agreement from the University. This agreement is only four pages, and may take just a few months for approval.
While in my Practice Experience in the facility, I propose Denise Naval (RN, MSN, ANP-C, CIC) as my preferred preceptor. Currently, Naval is the Director of Prevention and Control in the facility. He has worked in this hospital for many years. Therefore, he is well acquainted with vital information about the facility and its patients.

Possible MSN Capstone Project N555PE
In conjunction with my preceptor, I shall choose an appropriate area within the practice setting that an evidence-based quality improvement project could be designed. I shall also rely on the MSN direction and guidance to arrange interviews and prepare my project proposal. I shall also need his assistance in selecting leaders in my practice site. Having finalized the preparations, I shall make a poster presentation of the project.
Potential Barriers and Their Solutions
One of the potential barriers in the Practice Experience could be the availability of informants for the projects. It is usually a hard task to find reliable informants with accurate information about a given community. To overcome this barrier, I shall consult my preceptor to provide me with relevant informant, since he is quite familiar with the community (Bazron, 2002).
1. Bazron B. (2002). Towards a Culturally Competent System of Care. Washington DC: Georgetown University
2. Dancer, S. (2009). The role of environmental cleaning in the control of hospital-acquired infection. Journal of Hospital Infection, 73, 378-38
3. Mayhall, C. (2004). Hospital Epidemilogy and Infection Control. Philadelphia: Lippincott &Wilkins
4. NICE, (2016). Infection Prevention and Control. National Institute for Health Care Excellence (NICE). Retrieved from https://www.nice.org.uk/guidance/qs61/chapter/introduction

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