Obesity in Northern Sydney
Significance of Obesity
The people of Northern Sydney have to change their perceptions and understanding of what normal weight standards are because a study shows that two out of three Australians are considered to be obese (Daniel & Anagnostellis, 2017). Northern Sydney is considered to have the lowest rate of adults who are obese with 53%. This is because of their habits and lifestyles which makes them to have the lowest rates of diabetes in Australia (Graham, 2017). There is a disconnect in the Australian society on their understanding of health standards and their understanding of what a normal weight is. More than 70% of the parents who have children who are overweight think that their children have the correct weight and that has a negative impact on the health of the children. The issue of obesity is more prevalent to the adults in the region as compared to the children in the society. According to the Australian institute of health, there are 11.2 million adults who are considered to be overweight and the children who are considered to be obese amount to 1.2 million (Health, 2015). Northern Sydney has the lowest rate of diabetes but more than a half of the people in the region are considered to be obese. That shows the rates of obesity in Australia are high. That can be backed up by data extracted from a study showing that 28 per cent of all the people in Australia are overweight (Graham, 2017).
The issue of obesity has affected the various people in the locality since it has made the majority of them to be lazy and the death rates as a result of chronic diseases have increased. The obesity issue had an economic impact on the people in Northern Sydney because of the high costs of management of obesity issues. The people in Northern Sydney have been having various health issues as a result of increasing rates of obesity and the bone and joint complications of the people have been increasing and that led to massive problems to the people. The people have been experiencing sleep disturbances as a result of obesity and that has affected their health negatively.

The Relationship Between Obesity and Diabetes
One of the Australian national health priorities is diabetes whereby approximately 3.61 million people have diabetes or they have pre-diabetes conditions in Australia. The prevalence rate of diabetes is high on the people who are aged above 45 years in Northern Sydney and that is contrasted to obesity whose prevalence can be to any age group. The rates of diabetes in Australia and specifically in Northern Sydney are high as compared to the obesity cases. Obesity is one of the risk factors for diabetes since it helps in accelerating the rate diseases among the people in the locality (Diouf et al., 2016). With increased incidences of obesity among the people in Australia, there are higher rates of having diabetes in the population. In Northern Sydney, there are high rates of diabetes among the people and that can be attributed to the lifestyle of the people in the locality. Since obesity can cause chronic diseases such as diabetes, the rates of being obese and diabetic in Northern Sydney are high and that shows the larger population of the people in Northern Sydney are not healthy enough (Diouf et al., 2016). There is a relationship between diabetes and obesity among the various people in the locality and that can be displayed by the increasing rates of the two in the adults and the children. Lack of physical activity may also be one of the major causes of diabetes as well as a major cause of obesity and that increase the prevalence of the diseases. Since the two diseases are considered to be lifestyle diseases, they can be properly managed easily by changing the lifestyles of the people.
The Relationship Between Obesity and Three Social Determinants of Health
Sex and age are some of the social determinates of health and they can be related to obesity in various ways. Obesity can be related to sex because the number of obese people who are men is more as compared with the women. That shows the number of lifestyle factors affects the men more as compared to the women (Badland et al., 2014). That increases the risks factors as well as increasing the susceptibility of men to be obese in Northern Sydney. In terms of age, obesity in Northern Sydney is more on the older people as compared to the people who are young. The rates of obesity show that two out of three people in Australia have higher rate of obesity in Australia. That shows the older people have a high rate of having obesity in the society.
Individual behavior can lead to increased rates of obesity. Lifestyle changes and behaviors can lead to increased obesity of various individuals since being involved in unhealthy eating can lead to increased obesity (Badland et al., 2014). Eating unhealthy foods brings a lot of fats in the body and the fats in the body are not easily broken down and that leads to obesity among the various people.
Social environment can also lead to increased rates of obesity among the various individuals. Being involved in social environments can lead to unhealthy habits and the unhealthy habits can lead to obesity in the various individuals (Badland et al., 2014). In Northern Sydney, the social environment around makes the people to be involved in unhealthy eating habits and that increases the risk factors for having obesity.

SWOT Analysis
Nurse-led interventions would be necessary to be introduced in Northern Sydney since they would lead to increased health outcomes of the people in the locality. The various benefits which come with the various interventions should be used for the benefit of the various people in the society. One of the interventions which can be undertaken includes increasing the community education as well as awareness of the various people in the society (Bolton et al., 2017). The strengths of this intervention is that majority of the people in the Northern Sydney community will be able to understand the normal weight standards as well as understanding the abnormal weights and also sensitization of the people on effective eating habits will be increased.
One of the weaknesses of the method is that it will be costly since the awareness campaigns have to be supported by funds. The awareness campaigns should be strong and that means that more cash will be used in order to inform the various people on the importance of weight maintenance to avoid obesity (Bolton et al., 2017).
The campaign can take opportunities which are provided by the government in order to sensitize more people and it can use the social media networks and that would make sure that the people within the locality will be able to get the necessary information.

The threats of the campaigns of educating and creating awareness involve lack of enough funds and lack of enough support by the local government and the authority in Northern Sydney. That would make it hard for the campaign of educating the people to succeed.
1. Badland, H., Whitzman, C., Lowe, M., Davern, M., Aye, L., Butterworth, I., & Giles-Corti, B. (2014). Urban liveability: emerging lessons from Australia for exploring the potential for indicators to measure the social determinants of health. Social science & medicine, 111, 64-73.
2. Bolton, K. A., Kremer, P., Gibbs, L., Waters, E., Swinburn, B., & de Silva, A. (2017). The outcomes of health-promoting communities: being active eating well initiative—a community-based obesity prevention intervention in Victoria, Australia. International Journal of Obesity, 41(7), 1080.
3. Daniel, S. & Anagnostellis, A., 2017. One in five school-aged children in NSW considered overweight or obese, new research shows. ABC News.
4. Diouf, I., Magliano, D. J., Carrington, M. J., Stewart, S., & Shaw, J. E. (2016). Prevalence, incidence, risk factors and treatment of atrial fibrillation in Australia: The Australian Diabetes, Obesity and Lifestyle (AusDiab) longitudinal, population cohort study. International journal of cardiology, 205, 127-132.
5. Graham, B., 2017. Obesity doubles in a decade and two-thirds of us are fat, report claims. Australian news.
6. Health, C. f. P., 2015. Overweight and Obesity. NSW government.

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