Nursing Theories for Handling Pressure Ulcers Patient
Part 1
One of the theories is Self-Care Theory. This theory states that healthcare management should be supported by wholeness of developed human structures and of bodily and mental functioning (Orem, Renpenning & Taylor, 2003). With this regard, it encompasses physical, psychological, interpersonal and social aspects of human being. Therefore, it is deserved to enhance the healing process for presure ulcers patients undergoing care management. Based on the Self-Care Theory, it is not only the duty of a nurse to take care of a patient, but everyone should reliant and responsible for their own care and the care of others (Orem, Renpenning & Taylor, 2003). If a patient is happy with the results then a quicker recovery is imminent.
The second theory is Transcultural Nursing. The theory was established by Madeleine Leininger and it states that the objective of nursing is to provide care congruent in accordance to cultural values, beliefs, and practices (Sagar, 2012). Therefore, care in then place of nursing should be practice as a distinctive and unifying feature as if there is no cure.

Part 2
The theory that makes most sense for implementing care management for patient diagnosed with pressure ulcers during their hospital stay is Self-Care Theory. It advances the kneowleedge of potential healthcare problems as a crucial means for promoting self-care behaviors. Therefore, it is deemed best for my project that intends to compare if dynamic cushions can be utilized instead of implementing pressure ulcer prevention care bundle designed for a period of three months.
Self-Care Theory has always been used by my mentor towards care management of patients with chronic infections. With outcomes not limited to quicker recovery and relief of pain, I would support the notion that people should be elf-reliant and responsible for their own care compared to the use of drugs.
1. Orem, D. E., Renpenning, K. M. L., & Taylor, S. G. (2003). Self Care Theory in Nursing: Selected Papers of Dorothea Orem. New York: Springer Pub.
2. Sagar, P. L. (2012). Transcultural nursing theory and models: Application in nursing education, practice, and administration. New York: Springer Pub. Co.

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