Nursing Science and Profession
Question 1
How does the nurse’s philosophy of nursing tie into the care provided to the patients and those of peers? Many institutions do not practice what they preach. What would be some small changes that would make a difference in your institution?
The philosophy of nursing defines the beliefs and values together with ethics on care and treatment of patients. In essence, the philosophy guides nurses such that they provide quality, safe and patient-centered care. The basis of the nursing philosophy is on carative factors in addition to the transpersonal caring relationship and the caring moment. It implies that as a nurse, one needs to comprehensively and holistically assess the aspects of care for patients that improve health outcomes (Pinto, Caldeira & Martins, 2016). In essence, building a trusting and caring relationship with the patient not only fosters a meaningful connection with the patient, but also ties the nursing philosophy of care. Besides, it enhances collaboration among nurses to maximize the quality of care that is provided to patients.

Even though several health institutions fail to realize philosophy of nursing, various changes are deemed fit in my institution to improve patient care. In the institution, nurses will be encouraged to integrate all elements of care by focusing on the patients and taking a keen interest in their personal attributes to allow for decision making. Based on this premise, nurses and patients act as partners to improve healthcare outcomes (Pinto, Caldeira & Martins, 2016). Notwithstanding, environmental aspects such as emotions, physical health, and family involvement in care are some of the changes that will be initiated to optimize quality care to patients.
Question 2
Why would those changes make a difference and which stakeholders would they affect?
The aforementioned changes will lay the foundation for a holistic view of the patient in dimensions of human existence such as physical, emotional, social, and psychological well-being. Oftentimes, patients are vulnerable and they put trust in nurses to provide quality care (Vryonides et al., 2015). As such, they not only need someone familiar with their medical situation but also care provider who can address their psychosocial needs. When nurses talk to patients and caregivers in a more holistic manner, then the stressful situations that are related to hospitalization can be reduced, thus, leading to fewer conflicts and improved health outcomes. The proposed changes will affect bedside nurses who encounter patients on a daily basis and the nursing manages. As such, the latter will be required to communicate and educate the practicing nurses on their roles in implementing the nursing philosophy while evaluating the effectiveness of the proposed changes in terms of improved care for patients (Vryonides et al., 2015).

1. Pinto, S., Caldeira, S., & Martins, J. C. (2016). A systematic literature review toward the characterization of comfort. Holistic nursing practice, 30(1), 14-24.
2. Vryonides, S., Papastavrou, E., Charalambous, A., Andreou, P., & Merkouris, A. (2015). The ethical dimension of nursing care rationing: a thematic synthesis of qualitative studies. Nursing ethics, 22(8), 881-900.

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