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Nursing Manager Skills Inventory

Subject: Nursing
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Nurse Managers apply the inventory tools while rating and reviewing themselves in their content areas through the relevant scales. According to Baxter and Warshawsky (2014), the procedure is essential in guiding nurse manager supervisors to rate the nurse leaders in their respective responsibilities. Indeed, the inventory tool is significant in analyzing both the professional targets and nurse work planning. According to Stefancyk, Hancock and Meadows (2013), leadership within the nursing profession requires adequate knowledge of how to manage the available resources for the improvement of service delivery. The nursing inventory helps nurse manager to identify their strengths and weaknesses in the four competent areas addresses by the scale for them to determine how they can effectively apply the skills in promoting change in their institutions.

Concerning personal and professional accountability, I always seek to improve my ability to offer the best services to patients consistent with my level of education and nursing expertise. Titzer, Shirey and Hauck (2014) argue that nursing practice is a growing experience and seeking information and help from other nurses is critical for the improvement of patient care. Therefore, I make it a priority to learn from more experienced colleagues to help me understand the profession better.  Indeed, I realize that nursing is a profession where the patient is at the center of service delivery and make their needs the priority at all times. According to Baxter and Warshawsky (2014), if nurses fail to address the needs of the patients, they are subject to endangering their lives and compromise the delivery of quality care. Notably, I have a weakness in this area where I tend to blame my colleagues if something goes wrong during practice even when I had a role to play.

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Concerning career planning, I have always maintained a working plan for five years. This working plan does not only envision my stature by its end but also includes the level of service delivery to my patients and their satisfaction with my services. Moreover, the career plan involves education increment to ensure that I improve my service delivery to my clients. Titzer et al., (2014) says that nurses require the possible adoption of current methods of practice for them to adequately address the needs of patients and maintain quality service delivery. However, I have a weakness of being too rigid to my career plan. I tend to stick to my work plan almost finding it difficult to adjust even when there is a need.

Personal journal disciples imply the use of skills relevant to the management of resources to facilitate shared leadership. Therefore, I always use this skill to ensure that all nurses can make independent decisions without having to involve me in critical cases. Therefore, nurses can make clinical decisions on patients without the fear of being questioned by the management and it makes the delivery of services on time (Titzer et al., 2014). There is the facilitation of problem-solving where workers felt empowered and trusted with their work and responsibilities. However, sometimes I become reluctant to make decisions, and it bores down to me when other workers fail to meet the expectations of the practice.

Nursing practice follows some guidelines applied in the assessment of individual leadership skills. According to Baxter and Warshawsky (2014), nurse leaders require exhibiting skills that show their understanding of the environment they work. I always consider all the people I interact with in my daily job to ensure that they feel satisfied within the facility. Therefore, I look for potentials and drawbacks that may affect service delivery because of sour relationships among workers and other stakeholders. Consequently, my role appears to be ensuring that there is a situation of contentment among all people undergirded by the principle of reflective practice reference conduct. However, I sometimes tend to overemphasize of the practice reference behavior without considering individual needs that surpass the reference conduct.

The skills discussed above are essential in advocating for change in the workplace. According to Stefancyk et al., (2013), excellent communication skills are imperative in helping the manager create a work plan that will engender change within an organization. Therefore, I will employ useful negotiation skills with other workers in the facility and make negotiations on the best methods that we can come up with to improve and uphold quality outcome. The deliberation process will involve finding the resources that we have and the extra that we need to provide quality care to our clients. The skills will also enable me to network with the purpose of creating the necessary contact with external environment and organizations to ensure a holistic growth of the facility.

As a nurse, I need to nurture the goal of equal representation. Baxter and Warshawsky (2014) note that a fair representation of stakeholders in nursing helps shape the collective goals of the practice. The implementation plan for the realization of the target will take several steps. The first step will be to identify a panel that will oversee the drafting of the policies for the choice of representatives. The board will determine the resources and date of choosing the agents. I will notify the stakeholders on the time of elections and how it will be done. After the election of the agents, they will be assigned their duties in line with the policies outlined by the facility management. The elected persons will be critical while drafting and passing laws affecting the operation of the hospital.

1. Baxter, C., & Warshawsky, N. (2014). Exploring the acquisition of nurse manager competence. Nurse Leader, 12(1), 59.

2. Stefancyk, A., Hancock, B., & Meadows, M. T. (2013). The nurse manager: change agent, change coach? Nursing administration quarterly, 37(1), 13-17.

3. Titzer, J. L., Shirey, M. R., & Hauck, S. (2014). A nurse manager succession-planning model with associated empirical outcomes. Journal of Nursing Administration, 44(1), 37-46.

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