Question 1.
There are many ways a health care professional can help a partially sighted person to achieve independence. The first way is to help the senior woman learn about low vision aids. There are special optics called low vision aids that can enable the woman to use her remaining vision more effectively. She will be able to do things that she thought were impossible. As a practitioner one can arrange for the women to acquire these aids from any health center. Examples of the low vision aids include; customize magnifiers, using large print books among others. As a healthcare practitioner, one can also teach the lady how to adjust her living environment for her to live comfortably. The elderly woman can also be trained to adapt her life by making sure her home is well lit, removing unnecessary household clutters, marking stairs and slopes with brightly colored tape and ensuring that she uses television with high contrast images (Stevens 2003).
Question 2.
As a healthcare professional one can recommend breastfeeding to someone, who has just undergone C-section. If the patient is not feeling any pain, she can immediately start breastfeeding her baby. Breastfeeding will help the uterus to contract and to regain its standard size. Breastfeeding will also lead to a drop in bleeding (lochia) from the uterus in the future. One can also encourage the lady to get up and try to go the bathroom within the first 24 hours. This independently initiates the recovery process. Gentle strolls can also help with the recovery process and can further help with gas in the stomach. As a healthcare professional one should also encourage the patient to speak out. Open communication ensures that any initial and continuous pain is dealt with effectively.

Question 3.
As a healthcare professional one can first assist the amputated soldier by administering pain medication to him. Amputations are painful, the soldier will first need to deal with the physical pain before he can make any adjustment to his life. Administering a level amount of pain medication will help him deal with the physical pain. One can also explain to the soldier the kind of pains that he will be experiencing (stump pains and phantom pains) and how to deal with them. After the pain starts to subside the soldier can then be given a suitable prosthetic to assist him in walking (Admin 2013). Adjusting to a prosthetic is the hardest part. Hence, a health care professional will have to ensure the soldier gets psychological treatment as well as physical rehabilitation. This two procedures will enable him to adjust to his new life and start walking again.
Physical well-being is the physical health of a human being. It’s when the body of a person is functioning the way it was designed to function. There are many factors that affect the physical well-being of a person. One factor is body exercise. The different body muscles and organs in a body need to exercise once in a while, or they will wither. Continuous activity such simple running ensures the heart pumps blood efficiently, and this helps the physical health of the individual (Hayward 2012). Exercises also improve the mood of a person hence guaranteeing the person remains healthy. Another factor is good nutrition. Quality nutrition ensures the health growth of a body. Moreover, it ensures that the body has the energy to function during the day. Diet also helps the body to fight diseases hence preventing the body from falling ill. Proper food and water ensure the body survives and grows as expected hence promoting physical health.
Psychological well-being is the mental state of a person. A person can either be mentally sane or mentally insane. Many factors affect the mental well-being of a person. One factor is getting enough rest. Getting enough rest can rekindle the hunger for a particular project and can also prevent burn out. Mental fatigue can slow down a person’s daily routine and can lead to other complicated health issues. It recharges the psyche of a person hence ensuring he/she remains productive in their daily routines. Another factor is abuse. People go through different abuses. Examples are; job abuse, child abuse, abuse in marriages and many other cases. Regardless of the form, it takes abuse is harmful to a person’s health. Abuse can cause feelings of low confidence, low self-esteem, isolation and even depression (Hayward 2012). People who go through abuse tend to find it hard to trust some else. They isolate themselves and try to live solitude lives which are dangerous. Abuse affects a person’s psychological health and can lead to other health issues.

Social well- being is the feeling of social inclusion around people. Many factors affect a person’s social well-being. One factor is a person’s culture. The cultural identity of a person can affect his/her social well-being. An example is how gaining weight is seen as a positive thing in a culture where food is scarce. However in a culture where there is enough food, gaining weight and obsessed people are considered undesirable. Hence in one are in the world a person may want to gain weight because it’s desirable in their culture; while in another area a person may strive to lose weight. Another factor that may affect a person’s social well- being is poverty. Absolute poverty may lead a person to exclude him/herself from the society. Effects such as isolation will affect the person’s social well-being negatively.
1. Admin, 2013. New Beginnings: Caring for a Family Member after an Amputation. [Online]
Available at: http://besthomecaremn.com/blog/senior-home-care/new-beginnings-caring-for-a-family-member-after-an-amputation
[Accessed 20 November 2017].
2. Hayward, D., 2012. Psychological, physical, social and spiritual well- being similarities korean older adults and family caregivers. [Online]
Available at: https://www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/pubmed/22981236
[Accessed 20 November 2017].
3. Stevens, S., 2003. Assisting the Blind and Visually Impaired: Gudilines for Eye Health Workers and Other Helpers. Community Eye Health Journal , 16(45), pp. 7 – 9.

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