Nola J. Pender’s Health Promotion Model
Many people suffer from health complication because of lack of awareness. A nursing intervention that promotes public awareness on the best healthy practices and behaviors should be embraced in order to educate the public and ensure that they have the right information concerning healthy behaviors and practice. The Nola J. Pender’s Health Promotion Model is useful in promoting awareness among the public. According to Butts & Rich, (2018) the Pender’s Health Promotion Model is a promotional theory that “portrays the multidimensionality of persons interacting with their interpersonal and physical environments as they pursue health” (p.446). The theory is aimed at promoting health awareness by focusing on individual characteristics and the contribution of the environment towards the health of the individual. The theory helps to promote effective communication between the public and the healthcare professional’s hence promoting openness in sharing about health issues that affect the public. This intervention is effective in promoting healthy lifestyles, increased public awareness on health matters hence improving quality of patient care and safety.
This theory can be used in promoting health behaviors among patients in the nursing and rehabilitation center since it helps the healthcare professionals to focus on an individual and analyze the characteristics that can be enhanced to promote well-being and a health behavior. Since every patient is unique, unique interventions customized to an individual should be applied to promote health behaviors. Therefore, this theory is effective in promoting change in the nursing and rehabilitation center.

The theory can be used by masters prepared nurses in promoting transformative interventions because it provides background information about an environment and the public. The theory promotes health behaviors through focusing on the characteristics of an individual and the environment and how their relationship impact health (Khodaveisi, Omidi and Soltanian, 2017). This information is important since it helps to identify a gap that requires to be filled hence promoting a masters prepared nurse to employ transformative projects to bridge the gap.
1. Butts, J. B., & Rich, K. L. (2018). Philosophies and theories for advanced nursing practice (3rd ed.). Burlington, MA: Jones & Bartlett Learning.
2. Khodaveisi, M. Omidi, A. & Soltanian, A. (2017). The effects of Pender’s health promotion model in improving the nutritional behavior of overweight and obese women. International Journal of Community Based Nursing and Midwifery.

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