Musculoskeletal Screening
Screening Examination for Musculoskeletal Disorders (‘GALS’)
The reason as to why this is a screening assessment is because it can easily be established whether there is existence of a musculoskeletal problem or not (Stansfied et al., 2016). The problem can easily be located before a more serious health assessment is done. The screening assessment is used to assess and individuals gaits, arms, legs and spine.

This encompasses asking the patient to walk a few steps back and forth as the doctor observes the gait smoothness and whether he or she is able to turn quickly. While the patient is standing, the doctor is able to observe his or her shoulders, calf muscles and gluteal whether they are symmetrical. Limb and spine alignment is also keenly observed coupled with the ability of the patient to stretch the knees and the elbows.
In this assessment, the patient is asked to put his or her hands behind the head and the doctor is able to observe the shoulders, elbows and the external rotation. With the patients hands stretched out, any swelling of deformity is observed from the back of the hands. Finally, the grip strength is assesses by allowing the patient to squeeze his or her fingers.

The patient is allowed to lie on a flat surface where flexion of the knees is assessed. The internal rotation of the hips can also be assessed while the patient is at this position. The patient’s feet are also assessed for any swelling or deformity. In squeezing any of the joint, the doctor must keenly observe the patients face for any discomfort.

At this point, the patient is asked to stand where the spine is observed from behind for any scoliosis (Słowińska et al., 2015). The problem of the neck is also observed by asking the patient to tilt the head on both sides. As the patient bends to touch the toes, the flexibility of the spine and the hip is assessed.
1. Słowińska, I., Kwiatkowska, M., Jednacz, E., Mańczak, M., Rutkowska-Sak, L., & Raciborski, F. (2015). Pain associated with the musculoskeletal system in children from Warsaw schools. Reumatologia, 53(3), 139–142.
2. Stansfield, R. B., Diponio, L., Craig, C., Zeller, J., Chadd, E., Miller, J., & Monrad, S. (2016). Assessing musculoskeletal examination skills and diagnostic reasoning of 4th year medical students using a novel objective structured clinical exam. BMC Medical Education, 16, 268. rence

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