Medicinal Marijuana
Marijuana use in the United States remains illegal as per the Federal Law; however, a number of states have legalized the use of marijuana for both recreational and medicinal use. 29 states have legalized its use for medicinal use while seven have legalized its use for recreational purpose. The legalization of marijuana use is controversial as there are society members who consider it to be a good move while others are against it. Among the stakeholders who support the use of Marijuana for medicinal purpose are medical researchers, Physicians, marijuana growers, pharmacists, and users/patients (Drysdale, & Platt, 2005). On the other hand, those who are against the legalization of marijuana for medicinal purposes include religious groups, and activists.
Research has shown that patients who experience pain can take marijuana to relieve pain. Cannabidol (CHD) compound found in marijuana has therapeutic effect, for instance, reduction of anxiety while on the other hand tertahydocannabidol (THC) compound is the one responsible for pain reduction, controlling nausea, and stimulating appetite (Gurwitz, 2000). THC is responsible for making people high. Another study by National Eye Institute indicated that marijuana increases the pressure in the eyeball hence some eye diseases such as glaucoma. In addition, marijuana can relieve some symptoms of HIV/AIDS. The fact that marijuana use for medicinal purpose is increasing; there should be moderation in its use. The abuse of medicinal marijuana might make it ineffective in relieving pain hence losing its medicinal value. Another concern by medics is that heavy smoking of medicinal marijuana may impair the lung function.

Marijuana is categorized as schedule 1 substance under the Substance Control Act; therefore, under Federal law the use of medicinal marijuana is illegal (State Medical Marijuana Laws, n.d). The fact that some states have legalized the use of marijuana for medicinal purposes there is still conflict between the Federal and State government. States that have legalized the use of medicinal marijuana have policies on production, sale, and consumption. For instance, a patient needs to have a doctor’s prescription to be sold medicinal marijuana. Going forward the Federal government should be liberal and accept the fact that marijuana has great impact on the health of people and revise the Substance Control Act.
1. Drysdale, A. J., & Platt, B. (2005). Medical Marijuana in CNS Disorders. Frontiers in Medicinal Chemistry – Online, 2(1), 133-159.
2. Gurwitz, D. (2000). Renewed hope for medicinal marijuana? Molecular Medicine Today, 6(5), 187.
3. State Medical Marijuana Laws. (2018, March 28). Retrieved from

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