Management of Pressure Ulcers: Three Main Aspects
Financial Aspect
Pressure ulcers is not a new phenomenon because its occurrence is dated to many decades ago. Therefore, the management of the condition comes with varied financial aspect both to the patient and to the state. Financial aspect that is expected from this Clinical Care and Management of Pressure Ulcers project is incremental cost that would be utilized to conduct both sides of the project. Each would call for incremental funds at different stages.
Quality Aspect
One of the quality aspects that would be involved in the Clinical Care and Management of Pressure Ulcers is risk assessment. Before the commencement of the project undertaking, a risk assessment must be done to ascertain the level of pressure ulcers formation before proceeding to categorize the patient on the basis the basis for intervention. According to Shirley (2011), risk assessment in health care management project is important because it helps the project team to determine the proponents of the project.

Clinical Aspect That Need to Be Taken Into Account
According to Rosenberg and Donald (2015), every clinical care and evidence-based practice project must be conducted in accordance to required clinical principles. Based on such a premise, clinical aspect that needs to be taken into account for developing the clinical care and management of pressure ulcers project is skin assessment. As pointed out by Rosenberg and Donald (2015), periodic assessments and staging of pressure ulcers will lead to earlier detection of the progress.
How Your Proposal Will Directly and Indirectly Impact Each of the Aspects.
This proposal will directly help in determining the amount of fund required to accomplish the project. From the quality perspective, the proposal will be of significance in assessing an individual’s risk of developing pressure ulcers. However, the study will be of benefit in identifying the right medication needed to restore moisture to the skin during clinical care practice.
1. Rosenberg, W., & Donald, A. (2015). Evidence based medicine: an approach to clinical problem-solving. BMJ: British Medical Journal, 310(6987), 1122.
Shirley, D. (2011). Project management for healthcare. CRC Press.

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