Longevity Age, Top Ten Causes of Morbidity and Mortality in Denmark
Longevity Age in Denmark
Another word for longevity age is Life expectancy. The average life expectancy figures for Den mark are over the standard of 80.3 years for females and 73.1 years for males (Juel, Sørensen & Brønnum-Hansen, 2008).
Top Ten Causes of Morbidity and Mortality in Denmark
The first cause is smoking which is responsible for 24% of all deaths in Denmark, a reduction of 3.5 years in the life expectancy, and 215,000 years of being gone annually for the People of Denmark. It results in an additional health system expenditure of approximately 4.5 billion DKK in the management of alcohol-related illnesses (Nordentoft et al. 2013).

The second cause is Alcohol which constitutes 5% of all deaths as 3,000 deaths are registered every year due to alcohol-related diagnosis. It results in additional annual expenditure in healthcare of 947 DKK million in the handling of alcohol illnesses (Juel, Sørensen & Brønnum-Hansen, 2008). Another cause is physical inactivity which constitutes 7-8% of all deaths and increases the risk of disease or death. It increases annual healthcare consumption of DKK 3,109 million(Nordentoft et al. 2013).
Another cause is overweight which accounts for above 2% of all deaths in Denmark due to obesity and a reduction in the Danish life anticipation of eight months for women and three months for men. It reverberates in an additional yearly expenditure in the country’s healthcare structure. The cost of health care annually concerning overweight is DKK 1,473 million (Nordentoft et al. 2013). Drug abuse contributes to an annual loss of 28,000 lives a year due to diagnosis related to drug misuse. It results in a yearly increase of healthcare of DKK 106 million for the handling of diseases associated to drug misuse (Nordentoft et al. 2013). Hypertension accounts for just fewer than 4% of deaths in Denmark and a loss of 40,000 life years. It resembles a saving in future consumption of approximately 3,416 million due to shorter lifetime. Occupational diseases results in 2,000 people die annually in Denmark due to occupational diseases. It contributes to production loss which corresponds to the future consumption of DKK 2,530 due to a shortened life (Nordentoft et al. 2013). Psychological factors at work constitute approximately 2.5% deaths and which results in additional spending in the healthcare scheme of 855 million DKK.
Treacherous sex relates to 0.5 % of the total deaths. It results in an annual healthcare system consumption increase of DKK 283 million. Passive smoking corresponds to over 3% of the total ailments and fatalities in Denmark. It contributes to annual savings of DKK 2,119 million due to a shortened life (Nordentoft et al.2013).

1. Juel, K., Sørensen, J., & Brønnum-Hansen, H. (2008). . Deaths in Denmark attributable to various risk factors. Annual number of deaths for men and women [Image]
2. Juel, K., Sørensen, J., & Brønnum-Hansen, H. (2008). Risk factors and public health in Denmark [Ebook]. Retrieved from http://journals.sagepub.com/doi/pdf/10.1177/1403494800801101
3. Nordentoft, M., Wahlbeck, K., Hällgren, J., Westman, J., Ösby, U., Alinaghizadeh, H., …& Laursen, T. M. (2013). Excess Mortality, the causes of death and life expectancy in 270,770 patients with recent onset of mental disorders in Denmark, Finland,and Sweden. PloS one, 8(1), e55176.

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