Leadership Theory DNP 662
Similarities Between Path-Goal Theory and Leader-Member Exchange Theory
The primary similarity between the two theories is that they are theories concerned with leadership. Further, they are similar in the sense that they see to it that organizational goals and objectives are observed (Northouse, 2016). Equally, the two theories somewhat share same ideas in regards to promoting cooperation between employers and employees. That is; both the Path-goal and Leader-member Exchange theories focus on promoting a conducive working environment and collaboration between everyone in an organization (Northouse, 2016). This is aimed at enhancing excellent performance in any given organization from both the managers and senior staff. Moreover, the other shared feature between the two is that they ensure a good relationship is built between leaders and their subordinates.
Differences Between Path-Goal Theory and Leader-Member Exchange Theory
First, the two are different in that path-goal theory primarily focuses on effective ways by which leaders can formulate strategic paths to be followed by workers (Northouse, 2016). This is in contrast to Leader-member exchange theory that majorly focuses on a mutual and respectful relationship between leaders and those they lead. Second, the leader member theory utilizes role taking and routinization form of leadership. On the other hand, the path-goal theory employs four leadership forms. They include directive, participative, supportive and achievement oriented. Next, the other notable difference is that whereas leader-member exchange theory sources for a number of alternative ways by which employee’s success can be achieved, the path-goal theory assumes it can only be done in one way (Northouse, 2016). Lastly, the path-goal theory is more concerned with setting goals to be achieved while the other one is more involved with the leader to subordinate rapport.

Summary of the Four Types of Leaderships
- Autocratic Leadership
This is the kind of leadership in which the leader is the sole decision maker. Such a leader does not consult with employees when assigning duties and giving instructions.
- Participative Leadership
Essentially, in this kind of leadership, the leader first consults with subordinates before making any major decision and actively involve them in the formulation of policies.
- Laissez-faire Leadership
The above is a type of leadership in which the leader avoids the power and responsibility vested on leaders. Thus, they leave their subordinates to make decisions.

- Paternalistic Leadership
This is the type of leadership in which the leader protects subordinates as if they were family members. In this type, the leader ensures workers have safe and favorable working environment.
Leadership Style I Demonstrate
The style I identify with most is participative leadership (Schwartz, 2012). The reason being, I have realized that any time I want to make a significant decision, I always consult with others. An example of a time the style led me is when I had to decide which drug to administer and which to omit in a hypertensive patient on three different drugs since the blood pressure was almost normal.
Factors That Make Participative Leadership Style Effective
First, incorporating workers in the decision-making process is a sign that a leader cares about their welfare (Popa, 2012). Additionally, it makes employees feel part of the organization in that they are included in deciding on matters affecting them. As a result, this creates the morale in them to work hard towards the establishment of a company’s goals which makes it effective. Second, it is effective because it empowers workers to employ their creativity in the development of productive ideas and plans. This results in smart decisions being made. Due to this, an organization becomes efficient (Mitchell, 2013). Moreover, given the fact that employees are included in the decision-making process, they will enthusiastically accept policies reached. This helps reduce any resistance that may arise. It thus speeds up the time taken in implementing new policies which make it more effective than the other leadership forms.

Question Five
It is possible for someone to depict more than on leadership style. This is possible whereby a leader decides to include his subordinates in decision making especially in minor issues and exclude them in major issues. Additionally, one can do the above and combine it with treating employees like family.
Question Six
Notably, leadership styles can change. It happens whereby leaders decide to change their leadership from the one they are using to a different one.
1. Huang, X., Rode, J. C., & Schroeder, R. G. (2011). Organizational structure and continuous improvement and learning: Moderating effects of cultural endorsement of participative leadership. Journal of International Business Studies, 42(9), 1103-1120.
2. Mitchell, G. (2013). Selecting the best theory to implement planned change: Improving the workplace requires staff to be involved and innovations to be maintained. Gary Mitchell discusses the theories that can help achieve this. Nursing Management, 20(1), 32-37.
3. Northouse, P. (2016). Leadership: Theory and Practice. Los Angeles: SAGE Publications, Inc.
4. Popa, B. M. (2012). The relationship between leadership effectiveness and organizational performance. Journal of Defense Resources Management (JoDRM), (01), 123-127.
5. Schwartz, R. W., & Tumblin, T. F. (2012). The power of servant leadership to transform health care organizations for the 21st-century economy. Archives of Surgery, 137(12), 1419-1427.

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