Leadership Management in Health Sciences and Medicine
Leadership in the field of health sciences and medicine encompasses advocacy, action and great critical thinking. There are various types of leadership that affects the engagement of other be it team members and even the organization at large. There are also various theories that have explained leadership and the tenants or leadership hence the impact it can have on team work, at individual level and at organizational level. Great man theory, trait theory, behavioral theories and contingency theories among other are some perspectives that try to elaborate the quality that distinguishes one leader from the other and the situations that makes an individual a better leader who engages other team members.
Employee engagement is the ability or the character of a leader to interact with other team members or the organizational human resources structure in such a manner that the firms or the team objectives are achieved. The engagement within an organization at times may create a misunderstanding more so where there is miscommunication between the leader and the team members. It is very imperative that within the organization be it the health and medicine environment that the communication channel and methods is very clear to avoid misunderstandings and poor work morale. However, leadership engagement has been vital in the achievement of the team and organizational objectives and boosting of team moral to attain the vision of the institution. This paper will have the first section which will analyze leadership and engaging others, then analyze team work, team development and a subsequent summery of the paper.

Section One: Leadership and Engaging Others
Employee engagement is the degree where by the emotions of an employee, both the positive emotions and the negative emotions influence their thinking about the job, the team members with whom they are working with, and how it informs their willingness to learn and give their best performance at work. Leadership engaging other is very vital in an organization as it boosts the productivity within an organization or increase the output in the achievement of the organizational objectives, (Northouse, P. G. 2012). In attaining the organizational vision in a health environment or engaging other help in reminding the employees of their key mandate within a specific institution. Engaging other is very critical in gathering information about the challenges the employees are facing and the possible desired solutions they may think is best at solving the problems. In addition, it boosts the peoples` morale as team work is enhances a bigger picture is desired to be achieved through a clear cut information and engagement system.
The role of leadership in engaging other is that it forms the role modeling aspect of engagement and defines the rules of engagement within the society or the working environment. As such, leadership defines the communication process, both the verbal and the nonverbal methods of communication. In so doing, the work forces are able to engage and interact with each other for the collective benefit of the organization. Leadership has the commitment to success and excellence will steer the engagement to the desired direction. Therefore, leadership needs to take control of the engagement process by inculcating a positive progressive culture in line with the vision and mission of the organization. However, there are certain leadership challenges which leaders meet during engagement like the building formidable trust and effective and efficient communication channels, (Cummings et al. 2010).Trust is very difficult, more so when one is a leader and he has to command the respect of the junior officers and then install the vision of the organization. On the same note, passing information from top leadership and the bottom hierarchy possess challenge when it comes to drawing the boundaries between leadership engagement and serious business more so when enforcing administrative actions on the employees.
Within the health and medicine environment, the position of engagement is invaluable in fostering team work, meeting the health standards and objective work ethics, (Widmeyer & Ducharme, 1997). For instance, where there is strong work ethics then then work environment is very conducive in meeting the needs of the patients and providing the best care. Engagement is critical for the medical or nursing leaders to balance the needs of the patients, the vision of the institution and the expectations of the people.

Section Two: Team Evaluation
The team evaluation, as the case of the nursing environment or a medical environment is very critical to assess the productiveness of the team members. When it comes to the handling of differences, order and mutual respect, maintain goal directed focus and good communication among the team members.
For the case of communication, this is the cornerstone of the success of a team. Communications helps to iron out the differences between team members and the subsequent setting of goals for the team. It is therefore imperative for the team to have proper communication channels, and one on one meeting to access the body language of other team members.
Handling Differences
It is common for team members to have differences of opinion of concept about an issue more so in the Medicare field where practitioners may differ about a medical procedure. A good team should show the ability to solve these problems by engaging in team building activities and proper communication channels with a focused and robust leadership.

Order and Mutual Respect
Team leaders should always ensure that their team members have mutual respects and maintains order in the nursing environment. This can be seen with the division of labor, and acting as reconciliatory agents in cases of differences.
Section Three: Team Development
In the second life case, the team building and interactions is vital to be replicated in the real life situation. One positive action that is demonstrated by a team member is taking responsibility on behalf of the team or for the team so as to achieve the goal of the team. This action is very critical and important in the team spirit as it inspires and challenges other team members who may not have the spirit or the instinct to act on behalf of the team to take actions next time.
The one major issue that can cause a group to dysfunction is when mistrust or the luck of trust to occur among the group members. Trust is the bond that creates the family environment that is able to make people within a group to work on the same objectives. The two actions that can make the group to work as a collective whole for the future generations is the proper institutionalization of communication systems. Communication helps to steer the values and culture of the team, besides promoting the team spirit. A team action to promote the spirit of team building that can see the team in multiple generations to come is the installation of team leadership engagement. Good leadership is important as it is able to bind various people together with the same values, and objectives for the group. The two group actions that can foster teams that have multiple disciplines to work as a group is the proper communications channels and the spirit of honesty amongst the leadership of the groups to create a trustworthy environment.
In conclusion, leadership is the ability to mobilize a team, or even an organization to work in a direction of a achieving the desired objective of the organization. Leadership engagement is very critical in the leadership field within organizations. As such, it helps to rally the employees towards the culture of the organization and meeting the objectives of the firms. Communications is vital in meeting the engagement factors of leadership as it is the cornerstone that binds the people together with the same institution or a working environment.
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