Compare and Contrast the Colorado Registered Nurse Practice Act With Another State’s
Registered Nurse Practice Act. Are there any limitations in your state’s law that excessively burdens the nurse from providing professional, autonomous care? Are the other state’s laws more or less restrictive?
The Colorado Registered Nurse Practice Act is a set of rules governed by a select board in the state of Colorado that governs and allocates healthcare leverage in the state to better the services offered. Nurses in Colorado are required by the board to pass a written examination prepared and approved by the board. Unless the nurse applicants are eligible for licensure, which in that case they are incorporated in their respective approved education programs (Colorado, n.d).

The Florida Nurse Practice Act, on the other hand, was conceived to ensure that every nurse practicing in Florida meets the minimum requirements for safe practice in the state. The terms ‘professional nurse’ and ‘registered nurse’ are used interchangeably in Florida (Florida, n.d).
The Structure Taken Into Account When Creating Both Colorado and Florida Registered
Nurse Practice Acts are similar in attention and detail rules and regulations governing the nature of practice. Colorado State, however, is more detailed and offers more challenge and consequence while practicing nursing.
What are some of the pitfalls and risks that the nurse leader needs to overcome when managing a team of nurses at various levels of competence and professionalism?

Nurse leaders are required to become full partners with a wide range of healthcare professionals while designing healthcare in their facilities, this improves teamwork and cooperation within the medical faculties. However, this role can be combated with pitfalls that include having biases against certain professions and holding a high regard in others which can result into a rift between the teammates who are supposed to work in unison to achieve the objective of better service provision. Another pitfall includes falling victim to providing all the solutions for the problems at hand instead of conducting a civil dialogue that involves the different professions that are supposed to work together.
1. http://www.thehealthlawfirm.com/uploads/Ch-6%20Florida%20Nurse%20Practice%20Act%20and%20Scope%20of%20Nursing-revised.pdf
2. https://www.colorado.gov/pacific/dora/Nursing_Laws

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