Leadership in Health Sciences and Nursing
Leadership as a calling requires an obligation to professional integrity and excellence whose achievement can be acquired through the establishment of self-reflection habits, professional development, and life-long learning. Professional leadership in health sciences and nursing provides an individual with the knowledge and ability to achieve desired goals and objectives of both the individual and their respective organization. The focus of this assignment to prepare a professional development plan that reflects on my current capabilities in leadership define where I want to go and to specify my plans, goals, and timeframe to help facilitate my professional objectives.
Working as an assistant nurse manager, a specialist for ICUs and as a member of trauma response teams has effectively sharpened my skills in leadership. Experience achieved in these professional fields has prepared me for any future leadership position within the field of health sciences and nursing. Apart from learning how to demonstrate perpetual ability, verbal ability and reasoning in those leadership positions, I have equally developed a positive relationship with my fellow employees that have effectively facilitated their career satisfaction, improved their individual and collective performance as well as retention in the organization. These skills are likely to facilitate my leadership excellence in any future leadership positions. Martin et al. (2017) postulate that intelligent leadership should not only demonstrate perpetual ability, reasoning, and verbal ability.

My vision in the field of health sciences and nursing within the next three to five years is to become a nurse executive, a chief nursing officer of nursing services, a vice president, or a nursing program manager for an organization with critical care medicine specialty and education. I am currently working towards finishing up my masters of science in nursing for executive leadership and management. The ability to communicate, create and compel vision is critical to inspirational and effective leadership. According to Molenberghs et al. (2017), effective leaders depict a vision with collective orientation for the future through engagement with superordinate joint distinctiveness between themselves and other employees. Effective leadership can be achieved by making personal sacrifices to facilitate team performance, making the role of other employees salient and motivating other leaders and employees within an organization and implicating them the leader’s vision as well as the vision of the organization.
Working for an organization with critical care medicine specialty as a nurse executive, a chief nursing officer of nursing services, a vice president or a nursing program manager are my career dreams. Many leaders have the responsibility of developing visions to help them guide complex organizations. Notably, effective leaders begin at a level of self-leadership to help them understand themselves and to establish their future expectations. Horwitch and Whipple (2014) postulates that “every company wants leaders who inspire and engage their colleagues but surprisingly, few build an explicit and robust inspirational component into their leadership development programs.”
Becoming a responsible and effective leader is part of my vision within the field of health sciences and nursing in the near future. Additionally, I look forward to acquiring the traits of transformational leadership, effective leadership, leadership emergence, creative leadership and transactional leadership to help facilitate my career objectives within the field of nursing and health sciences. Joseph et al. (2015) relate happiness to good leadership, by stating that happiness positively affects the effectiveness as well as transformational, and transactional behaviors of a leader.

Goals and Objectives
Effective leaders in professional careers have the ability to establish personal and organizational goals and objectives. Barrick et al. (2015) put employee and organizational engagement at the helm of achieving both the individual and organizational objectives. Albrecht et al. (2015) further postulate that engagement of employees is critical in providing a conducive organizational climate, promoting job demands, enhancing psychological safety experiences and enhancing the meaningfulness of employees and other staff. My objectives and goals in the field of nursing include the following;
- To acquire continued professional development skills to help benefit my professional obligations, provide help to the community and the world at large. Continued professional development will help me keep desirable in my current position and help attract other potential employers.
- To acquire social and emotional intelligence critical in enhancing my communication skills. Such skills will likely help me acquire significant personal growth to help me achieve the qualities of professional excellence and integrity.
- To acquire effective collaboration and communication skills that is vital to providing professional leadership to others, especially within the organization. These skills will help me become an effective leader and inspire my followers within the organization.
- To establish a mutual relationship between myself, other leaders and various stakeholders within the field of health sciences and nursing. This will play a critical role in helping me achieve my professional dreams of providing quality healthcare to individuals within the society.
- To complete and enroll in a Doctor of Nursing Practice Program for Nursing Leadership and Healthcare Management. The achievement of this objective is critical in promoting my desire of becoming an effective leader, both now and in the future.
- To coach and guide others for the purpose of developing my leadership qualities in others. Being a leader is as a result of the coaching and guidance acquired from other leaders within the field of nursing and health sciences.
I will engage in the following activities to help me achieve my goals and objectives both as a leader and as a nurse in the field of health sciences and nursing;
- Engage in professional development projects to facilitate the provision of help to the medical health care services to the community and the world at large within the next one year.
- Participate in seminars and other organizational joint meetings to help enhance the development of my emotional and social intelligence skills after every five months for the next three to five years.
- Collaborate with other stakeholders within the field of health sciences and nursing to help provide professional leadership skills to other members of the community throughout the next five years.
- Engage both my fellow leaders, employees and stakeholders within the field of nursing and health sciences in constructive studies and research to facilitate the provision of quality healthcare services during joint organizational meetings for the next two years.
- Provide training services to other aspiring leaders before the beginning of every business year for the next five years.
Through strategic engagement with fellow organizational leaders, employees and other stakeholders within the field of health sciences and nursing on an annual basis for the next five years, I will be able to evaluate my professional development plan. I will equally engage various departments of human resources in every organization to help ensure success in my professional endeavors. I will also compare my progress in the next five years with my current progress to help me access the progress of my career goals and objectives.

1. Albrecht, S. L., Bakker, A. B., Gruman, J. A., Macey, W. H., & Saks, A. M. (2015). Employee engagement, human resource management practices and competitive advantage: An integrated approach. Journal of Organizational Effectiveness: People and Performance, 2(1), 7-35.
2. Barrick, M. R., Thurgood, G. R., Smith, T. A., & Courtright, S. H. (2015). Collective organizational engagement: Linking motivational antecedents, strategic implementation, and firm performance. Academy of Management Journal, 58(1), 111-135.
3. Horwitch, M., & Whipple, M. (2014). Leaders who inspire: A 21st-century approach to developing your talent. Bain & Company, Inc. retrieved from http://www. bain. com/Images/BAIN_BRIEF_Leaders_who_inspire. pdf. [Date of access: 16 Apr 2016].
4. Joseph, D. L., Dhanani, L. Y., Shen, W., McHugh, B. C., & McCord, M. A. (2015). Is a happy leader a good leader? A meta-analytic investigation of leader trait effect and leadership. The Leadership Quarterly, 26(4), 557-576.
5. Martin, B., Breunig, M., Wagstaff, M., & Goldenberg, M. (2017). Outdoor Leadership. Human Kinetics.
6. Molenberghs, P., Prochilo, G., Steffens, N. K., Zacher, H., & Haslam, S. A. (2017). The neuroscience of inspirational leadership: The importance of collective-oriented language and shared group membership. Journal of Management, 43(7), 2168-2194.

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