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Impact of Science-Based Theories on Advanced Nursing Practice

Subject: Nursing
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    Given the current health trends, the role of science-based theories in the nursing profession cannot be undermined. Moreover, the increasingly dynamic and evolving state of the nursing profession has made it inevitable for nurses to rely on various scientific-based theories such as the Watson’s theory of human caring, the theory of intentionality, aging theory, among others. These theories were advanced by the nursing pioneers with the view of establishing the reliability of the nursing profession through both theory progression and scientific-based research.

    In the case of advanced practice nurses, various theories may be found useful to their practice. Even so, in my opinion, the most useful of these science-based theories are the Zahourek’s (2004-2005) Rogerian theory of intentionality which is premised on the notion that intentionality is distinctive in human beings. Moreover, it is worth noting that intentionality forms the matrix for healing which is both a process and an outcome. For this reason, the theory on intentionality, just like the nursing theory, integrates a set of propositions, definitions, assumptions, and concepts which are a product of nursing models (Lee, 2013). These models are not only predictive of how patients may be treated but also seek to explain, describe and prescribe illness. Additionally, Clark (2016) avers that the Watson’s human caring theory is a critical science-based theory as it incorporates empathy and the nurses’ caring support to create a conducive environment for healing to take place.

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    The above scientific nursing theories essentially improve the nursing practice, and as such, are vital for advanced practice nurses (Savieto & Leão, 2016). Essentially, the two scientific nursing theories are important to advanced practice nurses because they enable them to, among other things, have the understanding that health is not merely the absence of illness. Instead, it is about the responsibility of nurses to promote health and further generate techniques that will be useful in helping patients (Smith & Parker, 2015). As such, the theory of intentionality and Watson’s human caring are important for advanced practice nurses as they develop new knowledge on various health issues.

    In conclusion, the nursing theory and advanced nursing theory are efficient tools that may be relied on by the advanced practice nurses to offer healthcare that meets the highest possible standards.

    1. Clark, C. (2016). Watson’s Human Caring Theory: Pertinent Transpersonal and Humanities Concepts for Educators. Humanities, 5(2), 21. doi: 10.3390/h5020021

    2. Lee, S. W. (2013). Overview of Nursing Theory, Oita University of Nursing and Health Sciences. 12(5), 58-67. Retrieved from http://www.oita-nhs.ac.jp/journal/PDF/12_2/12_2_3.pdf

    3. Savieto, R. M., & Leão, E. R. (2016). Nursing assistance and Jean Watson: A reflection on empathy. Escola Anna Nery, 20(1), 198-202. http://www.scielo.br/pdf/ean/v20n1/en_1414-8145-ean-20-01-0198.pdf

    4. Smith, M. C., & Parker, M. E. (2015). Nursing theories and nursing practice. FA Davis.

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