Global Health and Policy, Politics, and Partners
Question 1
Within your area of influence, what initiatives are devoted to advancing global health?
Global health can be advanced by preventing the spread of diseases like malaria during pregnancy, stopping the mother to child transmission of HIV and the screening of tuberculosis (Grenall, 2017). All these platforms are created within my area of influence to ensure the upcoming generation is healthy and not prone to infectious diseases. Mechanisms have been put in place where all these measures are being adopted across the world to ensure efficient antenatal care services.

Question 2
How might nursing assume leadership in addressing the United Nations 2015 MDGs?
Nursing might address leadership because one of the united nations 2015 MDGs is the reduction of child mortality. One of the ways of reducing child mortality is by ensuring that all the vaccines are given in good time. Nurses are supposed to ensure the correct supply of vaccines among all the infants, and this has profoundly reduced the infant mortality rates. A good example is the measles vaccine which reduced the overall deaths by a 15.6 million margin between the year 2000 and 2013(United Nations, 2015). Another way of nursing assuming leadership is because of the mortality rates that have been reducing over the years by expectant mothers, therefore, increasing the chances of successful full-term pregnancies and healthy newborn babies.
Question 3
What are some opportunities to employ an interdisciplinary approach to advance a WHO global health agenda?

Some of the opportunities created by interdisciplinary approaches generate room for learning among different medical practitioners. Interdisciplinary created more efficiency among different nurses regarding disease diagnostics and infection control. The WHO global health agenda is therefore enhanced because all the patients’ mortality rates are reduced even when the diagnosis is done by a nurse
1. Grenall, M., Kunii, O., & Thompson, K. (2017). Reaching vulnerable populations: lessons from the Global Fund to Fight AIDS, Tuberculosis and Malaria. Retrieved October 17, 2017, from reaching-vulnerable-populations-lessons-from-the-global- fund-to-fight-aids-tuberculosis-malaria-contentserver.pdf .
2. United Nations. (2015). The Millennium Development Goals Report.

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