Global Antibiotic Stewardship: Combating Resistance, Cutting Costs
Antibiotics are essential to controlling morbidity and mortality rates. I believe that their absence or ineffective use can have detrimental impacts to the society. Not only in the US, but all over the world. That is why I recommend the establishment and proper management of Antibiotic Stewardship Programs. In every hospital, it is necessary to have an ASP. With proper leadership commitment, accountability, and education to the clinicians, they can prove to be of great worth to the country (CDC, 2013). Besides curbing the antimicrobial resistance, they can reduce health costs by preventing the progression of treatable diseases. Moreover, ASPs prevent the misuse of the already available antibiotics (CDC, 2013).
1. CDC. (2013, September 16). CDC Online Newsroom | Press Release | Untreatable: Report by CDC details today’s drug-resistant health threats. Retrieved August 20, 2018, from

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