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Factors Influence the Management and Control of Diabetes Mellitus

Subject: Medicine
Number of words/pages: 633 words/3 pages
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Since nursing and the health science is a wide field, lots of research work has stored in the online databases over the years.  These are peer-reviewed journals and materials very supportive when conducting a literature review on any subject.  The main challenge is the efficiency of using these databases and their search tools. A single search brings about countless results. Thus, it is important to narrow down these results as much as possible. The quality of results achieved depends on the technique used to filter the search options.

Purpose Statement

When conducting a research for evidence-based practice (EBP), there is a need for relevant, high quality and up-to-date information. The purpose of this paper is to find out the most effective of searching for relevant and applicable materials in the online databases using the search and filter options.  The main objective is to find peer-reviewed sources that are up- to- date and from an expert in the relevant field.

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Research Question

What factors influence the Management and Control of Diabetes Mellitus?

Database and Search Words

When I directly searched for articles on my research question on Medscape, the results were 4241 results, a search on Ebsco Host has 928 results, NCBI database has 44572 and BMJ database had 812 results.   This is clear indication that most of the research topics are flooded with thousands of articles. It is hard to identify the one with the right and appropriate content for your literature review.  In order to achieve minimal and refined results for my research topic, I had to filter some of the information.  The first step was filtering the publication date to5 years or less, the second step was narrowing my specialty to strictly nursing, followed by sorting the results to only peer- review journals.  I also noted that different databases have advanced ways of filtering the search result that allows the name of the author.  The first step in searching for less relevant materials for my topic involved: (a) Narrowing down the topic to “Factors that influence the Management and Control of Diabetes Mellitus”. This brought fewer results than before. (b) I filtered the results to peer review articles; (c) limited the search to nursing and health sciences fields and finally (d) selected only results in the last 5 years.   These outcomes of these steps were fewer results that had information that was almost similar to each other; it was now easy to pick a number of them as they were met the research requirement.

Information and Knowledge

According to LoBiondo- & Haber (2014), it is a major requirement of Nurses and other health specialists to ground their care research and resolutions on the finest practice evidence from the peer-reviewed study. This entails finding the literature review on sources from a reputable expert in the relevant field. This is because the on these results is rich in content and guarantees an advanced level of scholarship in addition to research methodologies (Miller et al., 2010).


The field of health and nursing and health sciences is faced with the challenges of finding, relevant as well as reliable information in order support the numerous clinical decision-making and attain the academic and practical requirements for evidence-based nursing practice. As seen in the above discussion, the research question is the nursing field, this means that one cannot rely on any non-peer-reviewed sources as there is no guarantee of the authors’ expertise on the subject.

1. LoBiondo-Wood, G., & In Haber, J. (2014). Nursing research: Methods and critical appraisal for evidence-based practice. St. Louis, Missouri : Elsevier

2. Miller, L. C., Graves, R. S., Jones, B. B., & Sievert, M. C. (2010). Beyond Google: Finding and evaluating web-based information for community-based nursing practice. International Journal of Nursing Education Scholarship, 7, 1.

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