Essay Paper: Leadership in Nursing
Distinguishing between a powerful leader and a subject in the workplace is easy and straightforward. From walking, speaking to the look on their faces, people behave in line with their positions whether consciously or unconsciously (Locke, 2015, p. 44). A powerful person usually speaks with a loud and confident tone when addressing juniors. They also give direct and categorical instructions, even when asking for assistance. A less powerful person will seem apologetic and less direct when asking for help.
Authority and directness in one’s speech is a desirable quality as it leaves no chance for misunderstanding. The person being addressed clearly gets the message. A leader who cuts corners while giving instructions does not inspire a team and might cause ineffective results. Rudeness, however, is undesirable and may cause resentment and fear. In order to gain respect amongst followers, a leader needs to avoid crossing the line between confidence and arrogance.

Empowerment and connection power are two types of power that one can use to bring changes in the workplace. To increase efficiency and raise the morale of nurses in a unit, the leadership figures need to delegate their authority to team leaders as well as other staff (Pratto, 2016, p.9). This can only be done through empowerment. The individual teams will feel obliged to put extra effort in providing care to patients if they are given the responsibility to supervise themselves.
Using connections is another way that leaders can further their agendas and also take care of the welfare and grievances of those below them. If additional staff is required, for instance, one may use their network to push the issue to the Human Resource management. The same can be applied where the unit needs extra equipping or other capital requiring projects.
1. Locke, C. C., & Anderson, C. (2015). The downside of looking like a leader: Power, nonverbal confidence, and participative decision-making. Journal of Experimental Social Psychology, 58, 42-47.
2. Pratto, F. (2016). On power and empowerment. British Journal of Social Psychology, 55(1), 1-20.

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