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Enhancing Nursing Care with Key Communication Skills

Subject: Nursing
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Analyze how communication skills of compromise, negotiation and conflict resolution are used in professional nursing practice

Professional nursing is regarded as registered nursing practice, which relates to the dedication of rendering health care services by a healthcare professional to patients in need. Communication skills such as compromise, negotiation and conflict resolution are necessary requirements to maximize the chances of success in achieving daily objectives in the field of caring. These skill sets used in unison to bargain to the desired process that is beneficial to the parties involved, though being different to what was initially intended by the parties. The use of this communication skills displays strong leadership qualities at the same time, rids the healthcare institution of bottlenecks caused by misunderstandings within the healthcare professionals (McCabe & Timmins, 2013).

Which conflict approach (es) do you prefer? Which do you use the least?

I prefer using compromise and accommodation because it opens up new doors that strengthen collaboration in the future, the fact that both approaches leave the concerned parties feeling content that they have been represented is more likely to propel better cohesion within the workforce. Furthermore, compromise and accommodation give rise to healthy relationships with the healthcare professionals as is evades vices that might lead to the creation of pitfalls across the different professionals.
I prefer to use least competition and avoidance as both approaches perpetuate bureaucracy and isolation within the healthcare community which works best when there are cohesion and teamwork across the different professions (Yoder-Wise, 2014).

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Why do you think you tend to act this way?

My actions might stem from a background that is heavily influenced by religion and the belief in doing what’s right to my fellow human being as I would also consider it done unto me. I believe in fairness and I will take the slightest opportunity handed to me to create and maintain such a state.

Is there another approach that you might want to consider using? What is it? Please explain your answer.

I would rather pursue collaboration as the major means of conflict resolution given that it presents the opportunity to put aside any negative respects held within the medical professional teams. And moving forward with collaboration ensures a better chance of succeeding in the course of providing better healthcare services to the patients.

1. McCabe, C., & Timmins, F. (2013). Communication skills for nursing practice. Palgrave Macmillan.

2. Yoder-Wise, P. S. (2014). Safe care: the core of leading and managing. Leading and Managing in Nursing. Sixth edition. Mosby, St. Louis MO, 23-33.

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