Educational Proposal for Health Professionals in Treating Diabetes
The education proposal is to ensure that the health professionals are continuing to get more information about diabetes. The educational proposal is to create educational seminars that will focus on teaching the health professionals about diabetes, with the aim of changing the current practice of the health team. Also, through educating them in the seminars will ensure that they are in line with the core competencies which have been recommended by the Institute of Medicine. By the continuation of giving education, it will help the integrated individuals, strengthen their commitment towards their profession, and develop a group awareness. This will help also in educating and improving integration among the university students and the community. It will be an activity of a continuing character, which will help in transforming working process, normal routine, addressing problems with care quality, and exchange of working experience (Abu et al, 2012).
The seminars will be representing efforts that will have changed the general network that is viewed by the people to a teaching-learning system within the working places. Health professionals who will be working in the educational program will have time to be questioned about the changes needed in Diabetes to improve the care delivery to the patients. The patients will have a chance to think about the disease and how to manage themselves due to the health actions that will be delivered to them by their doctors and nurses (James, 2013). This type of educational proposal will be meeting the set core competencies in the health professional education. Since the educational seminars will aim at transforming the healthcare model in delivering health care to patients with diabetes. Some of these core competencies include working in interdisciplinary teams, providing patient-centered care, utilizing informatics, and applying quality improvement. The health professionals who are dedicating their time in educating themselves and expanding their knowledge it is in no doubt that, they transform the educational practice. This aims at developing their abilities and be able to learn self-administration in taking care of their patients who have diabetes.

Method of Educating the Health Professionals
The health professionals are to continue to receive information about diabetes through educational seminars. Seminars will be attended by most of the health workers and they include, nurses, nutritionists, doctors, medical professors, physiotherapists, social workers, and students from the medical fields. This will be a constitute of establishing spaces for promoting collective learning and interdisciplinary participation. It will be achieved through dialogues and discussion between the experts who will be leading the seminars and the health professions who will be attending the seminars. This will promote the sharing and construct new knowledge about diabetes among the health professions. The seminars will help in updating the healthcare delivers about diabetes in regards to the aspects of nutrition and eating a diet without many calories, how the patients can monitor themselves, and how often should people engage in physical activities in order to prevent diabetes (ageUK, 2017). In the seminars, the professionals will be engaged in many activities that will be a form of learning and improving their knowledge on diabetes. These activities include discussions between the professions, focusing on case studies, lectures, and involvement in educational games that will help in improving their skills.
The health professions and the students will be invited to these seminars through emails, posters in the hospitals, and respective school faculties for the students. The posters will be placed in visible places so that they can be of reach to the persons involved. The invitation will be on an advance, this will allow the attendants to be able to prepare themselves, questions, they would like to ask, and form schedules that will allow them to attend the seminars. The seminars will be arranged into stages that includes warm-ups and strategies that will help in facilitating expressions, solving questions asked, and an analysis of integral care of the people. The participating health professions will have individual spaces that will create a reflective collection on the routines of providing health services and the possibility they have in improving the care given to Diabetic patients. The seminars will be taking places in the medical schools nearby or the halls allocated to the hospitals. They will be taken twice in a month and will be taking place for one and a half hours. The members who will be attending these seminars will be working in a circle this is to facilitate discussions topics and questions pertaining to diabetes.
Expectations From Educating the Health Professionals Using Seminars
The seminars aim at developing and updating the health professionals about diabetes. Information to be shared will be from other professionals and students and finding solutions from the asked questions. The meetings will help in solving problems after the participants express and discuss difficulties they encounter during offering treatment to the patients. The education used in caring for patients with diabetes is established by transmitting the acquired knowledge from a simple idea. By analyzing their professional performance, you will find that there is a high demand for diabetic patients who need care. These forces the health professionals to use prescriptive practices that will separate them from the real lie context. However, providing education to the care providers using the seminars will improve on how the health services are given to patients. And, this is a tool that will be able to lead the relation professional-users and the problem based on the pedagogical proposal (Blue et al, 2010). It will result in providing of quality health care promoting health among the diabetes patients.

The process will show long-term results and the idea of continuing to educate the health care providers is one way to be able to disseminate the capability. Facilitating group expressions is one of the most efficient ways of letting the people learn from each other and improve their skills. The content to be discussed and taught in the seminars is expected to encourage those who will attend to be able to think about their knowledge and understanding about diabetes. The professionals will be able to know more about quality care to be given to the Diabetes patients and the importance of community participating in elaborating strategy for promoting a healthy living habit. Interactive techniques will aim at offering clarification about diabetes healthy living habits and understanding the food guide pyramid. Also, it is through the discussions that people will be able to reflect on community participating in improving the quality of life they are living in.
Opportunities in Using Seminars
With the proposed educational method, seminars will be providing the professionals with learning that will promote an opportunity outstretch from the classroom and hospital to the point of providing better care to the patients. The idea of holding seminars gives individuals professions to be an architect of their own understanding on the issue of diabetes. The system itself has based its learning on embracing information technology and providing the participants with an opportunity to learn from one another, this promotes effective learning since most questions are answered and they learn from other people experience (Cook, Levinson, & Garside, 2011). If the seminars are well coordinated across the teams involved it will result in team-based learning, improving patient safety and health.
Challenges and Barriers in Using Seminars
Before the seminars are held, it requires maximum preparation in regards to the questions to be asked and the presentation to make to the fellow colleagues. Time can be a challenge to most of the professions considering their schedule at work and being a parent at home when not working. In addition, not all medical professions feel comfortable to talk about assessment they have made to some of their patients. This can limit the discussion since some of them might not be willing to talk share from what they have experienced before. Also, some students can feel excluded when it comes to discussion about various diabetes cases that have been encountered. This reduces the interaction level since they might fear of being seen as incompetent and have no knowledge. According to Altin et al (2014), training that are offered they help in addressing personal and social competencies of the healthcare professionals that are participants, improves the safety of patients by resulting to a patient-centered care.

Options to Reframe Education of Health Professionals
Various healthcare settings within healthcare facilities the medical staff are lacking the required experience to deal with some cases in delivering quality care. On the other hand, there has been an increased demand for healthcare quality and services, especially with the growing population. While the urge of continuing in delivering quality services is demanded by the government and the patients. One of the best ways to be able to deal with the situation is providing education to the healthcare professionals. This will imply that there will be sharing of ideas and an integration in using technology in serving the patients. Studies have proved that when nurses can be well trained and educated they can be able to deliver high-quality care and achieve great outcomes in delivering patient health (Horrocks, Anderson, & Salisbury, 2002). When there is education to the health profession, this means despite the large population growth but the readily available medical staff can be able to handle patients and provide quality care.
1. Abu, R., Kim, S., Choe, L, et al. (2012). Current trends in interprofessional education of health sciences students: a literature review. J Interprof Care. 26 (6), 444-451
2. James, J. (2013). A new, evidence-based estimate of patient harms associated with hospital care. J Patient Saf, 9 (3), 122-128.
3. ageUK. (2017). 5 ways to cut your risk of diabetes. Available from
4. Blue, V., A, Zoller, J, Stratton, T., D, Elam, C., L, and Gilbert, J. (2010). Interprofessional education in US medical schools. J Interprof Care, 24 (2), 204-206
5. Cook, D., A, Levinson, A., J, and Garside S. (2011). Method and reporting quality in health professions education research: a systematic review. Med Educ. 45, 227–38.
6. Altin, V., S, Tebest, R, Freimuth, K., S, Redaelli, M, and Stock, S. (2014). Barriers in the implementation of interprofessional continuing education programs – a qualitative study from Germany. BMC Medical Education. 2014;14:227. doi:10.1186/1472-6920-14-227.
7. Horrocks, S, Anderson, E and Salisbury, C. (2002). Systematic review of whether nurse practitioners working in primary care can provide equivalent care to doctors. British Medical Journal. 324, pp. 819-823

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