Diabetes Natural Preventions
The article Sunshine Is the Natural Treatment for Preventing Pre-diabetes, Type 2 Diabetes and More in Children and Adults the alternative way of treating diabetes is through using the basic natural remedy. This remedy involves using ultraviolet rays, which produce natural vitamin D. Through exposing the patient more especially children to direct ultraviolet rays it activates the liver which is responsible for glucose control in the body thus may contribute to normal blood glucose levels. Exposing a patient skin sun helps their livers to recover from conditions, as jaundice thus may be an indication that liver is functioning properly. However, a precaution should consider when exposed to ultraviolet rays. That is, regulating the amount of sunlight to avoid unwanted cancer.
Evidently, vitamin D deficiency is the contributory factor of both diabetes 1 and 2. Children have low levels of vitamin D predisposing them to pre-diabetes. However, in the real sense, they are caused by liver issues, the only relationship between the liver and pancreas is that the liver protects the pancreas. Due to high protein and fats, the liver might block, ad this should be reversed using natural treatment.

I agree that natural remedies are the only option in treating diabetes 1 and two because firstly It treats both pre- diabetes, and diabetes two that are being caused by lifestyle choice, especially taking food which contains a lot of proteins and fats. It also less costly since it does not need any expenditure more especially when treating diabetes 1and 2. Finally, it can be used to vaccinate children to avoid future risks by being attacked with diabetes. Finally, natural remedy for diabetes is accessible you don’t need to travel so that to access it, but it is there naturally
1. Mure, N. (2017, February 21). Sunshine Is The Natural Treatment For Preventing Pre-diabetes, Type 2 Diabetes and More In Children and Adults [EmaxHealth]. Retrieved February 22, 2017, from http://www.emaxhealth.com/13638/sunshine-natural-treatment-prevent-pre-diabetes-type-2-diabetes-and-more-children-and-adults

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