Cognitive Strategies for Anger Management
Anger is an emotional state caused by psycho-social and psychological disorders such as stress, depression, anxiety, fear, poor social life or events of poverty. The anger outbursts may be a protective measure to cope with the unhappiness. If this continues for a long period of time and interferes with one’s social life at school or at work, or is noted to re-occur frequently, then it is termed to be harmful and needs for rehabilitation. This can be done by undergoing through the anger management programs. These are the laid programs established to curb the effects of anger and in the long run control the re-occurrence of anger syndromes.
Past History of Anger Management
Research has shown that anger was traumatic whenever people lost control in the past years. The effects of anger went beyond if not well noted from the first day the anger bursts were identified. It was important for the psychotherapeutic counselors to understand that anger burst is different from one person to another in order to be able to identify the best program that suits the person. It was noted that some people were and still are irritated for some reasons others laugh at. For some, the effects of anger may be to the extent of drug abuse, violence or to some committing suicide.

Values and Beliefs of Anger Management
Anger can be like a destructive fire that can consume each and every possession one has not only at work, school but even at work. This has also been attributed to the values and beliefs that exist in a society. One needs to identify the false beliefs as the main emotional root. False beliefs and values can be a source of a destructive emotional threat leading to serious anger management traumas.
Importance of Anger Management
It is therefore important for anger management programs to be established in order to bring light to the people with serious problems of managing anger. These programs are meant to curb anger problems and at the same time, preventing future further harm due to anger bursts. These people need to be taught on how to positively view them by avoiding negative descriptions about themselves as this may increase the social distance of their friends and family. Been positive in life may mean be focused on your life goals by ensuring no room for anger threats that may block you from your dreams.
Methods of Anger Management
The anger management process may not be an easy one. It requires the patient needs at first to comprehend there is a need for their anger to be controlled. Davis, C. (2003). That is a challenge to explain onto why there is need to change to the patient. Some patients may view anger as been normal since it is natural for people to get annoyed.

Simple social training skills such as yoga, taking deep breaths, meditation, walking around the house, conflict resolution or the appropriate anger expressions have a great impact on the reduction of anger traumas. These exercises are recommended when anger pangs arise and there is need to manage. On the other side, cognitive- behavioral therapies teach on how to cope and may include relaxation HOLLOWAY, J. (2003). , cognitive responses as well control the response triggered by anger.
It is important to reinforce that, people suffering from anger management problems to increase their self-esteem. This is so important as this person will be able to think critically and address a problem amicably as possible. It also controls the intensity that this person is likely to be irritated in case an anger generating event occurs.
It is important to learn on how to control our anger especially to the quick-tempered people who have a short fuse are known to suffer from hypertension, frequently occurring headaches or even cardiac are set that can even cause death. Definitely, controlling your anger at long run will improve one’s attitude towards life, personality as well as the social life of that person.

1. Anger management. (2015). Retrieved 26 June 2017, from
2. ANGER MANAGEMENT. (2012) (pp. 2-15). Ontario. Retrieved from HTTP://
3. Cognitive Restructuring for Anger Managment. (2015). Mental Illness Resources. Retrieved 26 June 2017, from
4. Davis, C. (2003). Anger Management: The Complete Treatment Guidebook for Practitioners. Psychiatric Services, [online] 54(10), pp.1422-1422. Available at: [Accessed 9 Jul. 2017].
5. Todd, C. (2017). Understanding your beliefs and values—respecting the beliefs of others. [online] ANGER ON MY MIND. Available at:—respecting-the-beliefs-of-others/ [Accessed 9 Jul. 2017].

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