Christianity Caring versus Nursing Caring
In general, caring is the act of taking care of those in need or those who are not able to take care of themselves. Caring depends on a person, but in some situations it depends on a profession. In the Christian world, caring depends on individual kindness. Some professions require one to take care of the other for the benefit of both parties in that one will earn a salary or wages while the other will get his or her needs resolved. There is a difference between Christianity caring versus caring in my nursing profession.
According to Rieg, Newbanks, and Sprunger (2018), biblical faith practices are one of the major sources of caring for Christians. Christians emulate the work of Jesus which basically entailed caring for the others. From the foundation, a Christian person is taught that his or her purpose in this world is to care for the needy and to show kindness and not to be selfish. With this in mind, Christians have gained the act of caring through biblical faith practices which further teach that a person will see heaven if he or she takes care of the others. On the other hand, a professional nurse feels that professional caring then it is a calling. The nurses feels that there source of caring is a calling from God to take care of the sick. They view that every person in this world has his or her calling where God has specifically given each person his or her calling and caring as nurses is the calling by God.

Christians caring is showing the act of kindness not to earn anything but doing it out of a person’s heart. When showing the act of kindness, Christians do not anticipate for rewards but they do so just to help the needy. Christians have the views that Jesus helped people not to be rewarded but as a show of love to others and this is what they practice (Rieg, Newbanks, and Sprunger, 2018). In Christians, caring is kindness and not their jobs thus one may care as a Christian where his or her professional job is a teacher. Contrary, nurse professions offer care so that they can be paid either in wages or salary. For a nurse, caring for a patient is their career and thus they earn a living out of it. Even if a nurse is a Christian he or she carries his or her duty of care since there is a reward after that. Furthermore, in nursing, caring is a job and they need to take care of their daily needs (Rieg, Newbanks, and Sprunger, 2018).
In conclusion, caring is the show of kindness to others. There are different sources where one can gain his or her caring nature. In the case of Christians, the source of caring is usually from biblical faith practices where the teaching teaches one to emulate the work and teachings of Jesus. On the other hand, there is caring as a result of a professional like nursing where the source of caring usually comes from a calling, career, profession or a job.
1. Rieg, S., Newbanks, S., & Sprunger R., (2018). Caring from a Christian Worldview: Exploring Nurses’ Source of Caring, Faith Practices, and View of Nursing. Journal of Christian Nursing: July/September Volume 35 – Issue 3 – p 168–173

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