Amy’s Story
The Body
Illnesses and other health conditions have a significant impact not only on an individual but also on an individual’s family and significant others in the community. In a scenario whereby an individual has a life limiting condition, withholding crucial information about the person’s condition can have drastic impact such as causing distrust and lack of respect within the care relationship. Individual have the right to information regarding their health and therefore physicians or nurses should not withhold information regarding the health of an individual (Esmaeilzadeh & Sambasivan, 2017). Also, in the provision of care, nurse unite managers utilize a family centered approach to provide a holistic care to the patient. However in regards to a family, withholding information regarding the health of an individual can limit the ability of the family ton effectively cooperate with the multidisciplinary team in the process of care (AMA Council on Ethical and Judicial Affairs, 2013). This is because, in a family centered approach, the healthcare team should consider the family a part of the individuals that is important in providing for the social, emotional and psychological wellbeing of the individual. In a similar manner, individuals should disclose all relevant information concerning their health to practitioners. This is important because withholding information can impact the outcome of care negatively (Kilbaugh, Groll, Morrison, Liebow & Lantos, 2016). This is because information withheld impact the assessment process as well as the diagnosis developed by practitioners. Therefore the interventions will not be effective in attaining the goals of care.
Also in regard to care, culture is a significant factor in influencing the attitude of the staff towards the patient and the family. The cultural practices would affect the care provided to Amy and the family through influencing the perceptions of health and illness throughout the period of care (Truong, Paradies & Priest, 2014). In the care setting culture is also an important factor because it influences communication and the development of interpersonal. In regards to the psychological wellbeing of the family cultural practices such as sending food to the sick in hospital as well as visitations are an important part in promoting the overall wellbeing of the patient and the family. Therefore a cultural sensitive approach is an important approach to care within such as multicultural setting.

As a graduate healthcare professional, among the theoretical perspectives that I can use in the care of the patients include a family centered approach whereby I will allow family members to contribute in the care of the patient through providing spiritual and psychological support. Secondly, I will utilize a cultural sensitivity sensitive approach through the use of medical interpreters to understand the needs of the patient and the family. Also based on Amy’s story, cultural practices such as bringing in food creates a feeling that an individual is being cared for by the family as other family show care through bringing flowers. This is important because through understanding the various traditional and non-traditional set of customs such as grieving or even language differences in the place of care is important in ensuring quality care (Levesque & Li, 2014). Finally, I have also learnt that a patient centered approach to care despite all the cultural and family values that influence care is also of great priority because individuals have to make choices for themselves.
1. AMA Council on Ethical and Judicial Affairs. (2013). AMA Code of Medical Ethics’ Opinions on Informing Patients. AMA Journal Of Ethics, 15(10), 850-851. doi: 10.1001/virtualmentor.2013.15.10.coet1-1310
2. Esmaeilzadeh, P., & Sambasivan, M. (2017). Patients’ support for health information exchange: a literature review and classification of key factors. BMC Medical Informatics And Decision Making, 17(1). doi: 10.1186/s12911-017-0436-2
3. Kilbaugh, T., Groll, D., Morrison, W., Liebow, N., & Lantos, J. (2016). Withholding Information to Protect a Loved One. PEDIATRICS, 137(6). doi: 10.1542/peds.2016-0665
4. Levesque, A., & Li, H. (2014). The Relationship Between Culture, Health Conceptions, and Health Practices. Journal Of Cross-Cultural Psychology, 45(4), 628-645. doi: 10.1177/0022022113519855
5. Truong, M., Paradies, Y., & Priest, N. (2014). Interventions to improve cultural competency in healthcare: a systematic review of reviews. BMC Health Services Research, 14(1). doi: 10.1186/1472-6963-14-99

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