Allied Health Admin – Human Resource
Question 1
Many healthcare organization is facing the challenge of retaining their workers in the organization because of various factors including salaries and wages, poor working conditions as well as lack of motivation. This is evident from the hospital scenario study case. It indicates that different initiatives have been taken to ensure that these challenges are addressed. These include the provision of a proper working environment which will allow humble learning for new skills, achieving other qualifications and licensure as well as cross-training for unusual tasks. In this case, the approach that can be employed to weigh these characteristics can involve a variety of dimensions (People Element, 2017). To start with is the assessing their various attained skills in the nursing training. Through this, it is clear that as the administrator you will get to understand the skills which they need to be given. Additionally, I will also look at patient outcomes and feedback given by the various patents as a result of the product of the nurses. This will indicate the various places under the patient care which needs improvement. With this, it will be possible to give the appropriate skills, certifications as well as licensure to the nurses in the organization (People Element, 2017).
Question 2
Yes, there is a direct relationship between the motivation, retention and additional skills among nursing staffs. It has been indicated that the rate of rate retention of nurses in the healthcare organization is directly proportional to the additional skills and motivation of the nurses that are provided by a healthcare organization in question. This is why a hospital that offers additional skills to its nurses and motivates them regarding hiring bonuses, the increment of their wages, salaries, and benefits, increased contract nurse duration will have a higher rate of retaining its nurses (Sawatzky, Enns, & Legare, 2015). This is in return effective to the organization because additional skills will result in the best patient outcome being given to the patients. Not only the additional skills will be effective but also the good wages and other benefits will motivate the nurses to provide good care to the patients to get the bonus that has been assigned in reward to them. On the contrary, a healthcare organization which offers poor working conditions to the nurses like low wages does not offer long duration of the work contract, lack of bonuses for the motivation of the nurses will have a low retention rate of its nurses. This is because they will quit the employment to search for better working conditions than that of the organization. Therefore, this shows that there is a direct relationship between the motivation, retention and additional skills among nursing staffs (Sawatzky et al., 2015).

Question 3
To determine the nurse who will be provided with the skill development will involve various approaches including the productivity of the nurses regarding the patient outcome produced by the patient. Those nurses with low patient outcome productive will be provided with the necessary skills that are needed to improve their skills and the patient outcome at large. Secondly, all the new nurses in the health care nurse will also be given the skills development to lay a strong foundation of their nurse practice and to gain experience in the field (Sawatzky et al., 2015). All skills for all nurses are feasible. These skills can be met and achieved this is because we target at improving the patient’s health and in this case the skills are realistic and viable for the benefit of the patient. However this is achievable only of the organization takes the initiative of providing the skills to the nurses with the objective of improving the patient outcome (People Element, 2017).
Question 4
To determine whether the trained nurses require additional compensation, I will examine their productivity. I will be needed to examine the workloads of the nurses. If the workloads are too huge for them, then they require additional compensation for the additional services provide. Also, I will collect employee feedback to know the various challenges they are undergoing which may need additional compensation. Apart from the huge workloads, other areas that may need additional compensation is lack of motivation and low wages (Sawatzky et al., 2015).
Question 5
To determine the quantitative cost of this initiative, I will calculate all the costs that will be involved in the project. This includes the payment for the services providers of the training, allowances to the trainees, as well as the entire expenses of the materials and other additional resources that may be required for training. The summation of these expenses will give the total cost of the initiative (People Element, 2017).

1. People Element. (2017). The Administrator’s Guide to Retaining Nurses – People Element | Employee Engagement & Human Capital Consultants. Retrieved May 18, 2018, from
2. Sawatzky, J.-A. V., Enns, C. L., & Legare, C. (2015). Identifying the key predictors for retention in critical care nurses. Journal of Advanced Nursing, 71(10), 2315–2325.

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