Ritalin is a stimulant medicine and since the children who have ADHD are already stimulated it becomes difficult to understand the effectiveness of this medicine in calming down the children. The drug works faster, and the health provider may adjust dosage. This medication has been used for a long time on the children who have difficulties in focus, attention and being over active in the schools. This medicine comes with some advantages such as while the child is using it they have less trouble to finish homework and class work. It helps in controlling the emotion of the child. When using the drug, the child has better relationships with friend and family member since they are not over reactive. Finally, it could increase the self-esteem of the child since the emotions are balanced. Nevertheless, the drug has some disadvantage on the user. It lasts for a short time making the child to be active after the medicine is worn out. The drug comes with side effects such as a headache, decreased appetite, stomachache, difficulties in sleeping and irritability
My position is that am against the usage of the medicine in children since medicine does not cure for ADHD but only helps to manage the symptoms. According to Dalsgaard, Nielsen, &Simonsen (2012), parents should be made to understand by the physician that ADHD has no cure and should find other ways to help the child manage the condition. Additionally, the parent should use behavioral training methods and get educational evaluation which should assist the child. Some kids do even like the feeling that results from the medicine.

1. Dalsgaard, S., Nielsen, H. S., & Simonsen, M. (2012). Long-term Consequences of ADHD Medication for Children’s Human Capital Development. Psychopharmacology: concepts and opinions about the use of stimulant medications. Journal of Child Psychology and Psychiatry, 50 (1‐2), 180-193.

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