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Medical Career Relation to Making Personal Philosophy of Nursing Paper

Author: Olivia Reynolds
7 min read
personal philosophy of nursing paper

What Is a Personal Nursing Philosophy Paper? Reasons for Writing

While studying medical science full of factual knowledge about treating diseases, philosophy assignments seem quite uncommon. Nevertheless, residency programs and medical school courses often include preparation such as non-standard texts. In the personal philosophy of nursing paper, students describe important values, beliefs, and ethics, which you should have to treat patients. Often, such assignment reminds reports that serve for academic purposes.

Many residency students and current practitioners try finding answers to, “What is a personal philosophy of nursing?” Sometimes, not just for instructions. Medical specialists want to know themselves better. Nevertheless, a personal nursing philosophy paper encourages students to think critically. You must describe why you have selected such a branch of medical science, motivation for helping people, theories on your decision making, etc.

After preparing the personal philosophy of nursing education paper, students better improve interaction quality with patients, colleagues, friends, family, etc. Authors learn the importance of admitting and fixing mistakes, showing dependability in complicated clinical procedures, and increasing nursing soft skills. Self-evaluation allows defining lack of knowledge in certain fields and boosting personal growth.

nursing philosophy paper

Different workplaces prepare for different challenges. Nurses deal with them every day. Long shifts, stressing out cases, impolite patients, etc. While managing all of them, you must remain focused. Without good motivation, nurses provide poorer treatment. Personal philosophy allows overcoming those everyday challenges effectively, which prevents professional burnouts.

By writing a philosophy paper for nursing, students prepare better for job interviews. Most employers ask questions about reasons for devoting a career to medicine and professional values. Sometimes, you can get direct questions on personal nursing philosophy, especially if you get inspired by the best nursing philosophy examples prepared by seasoned specialists. Thus, writing such papers allows not worrying about interviews. You can easily revise text anytime.

Everything on Concept Synthesis Paper on Personal Nursing Philosophy

While studying for bachelor’s or master’s science of nursing degrees, students receive tasks on self-evaluation, which can last several weeks. Most concept synthesis paper on personal nursing philosophy programs require defining individual values according to metatheories and meta paradigms. Students must focus on concepts relevant to selected medical specialization. Assignments help clarify and organize a professional foundation.

Speaking about meta paradigms, almost every personal philosophy of nursing MSN paper includes four of them. Authors often describe the personal experience through positions of meta paradigms. The first one is the person component, which emphasizes attention on the individual. A patient’s health depends on relations with healthcare institutions. Proper treatment involves not just medicines and clinical procedures. Social interaction with nurses and doctors plays a crucial role too.

The next component of the nursing metaparadigm is the environment. The hospital environment affects patients’ health. Individuals can consciously interact with their surroundings or not notice that. Students often describe personal opinions on a healthy atmosphere in healthcare places. Feel free to theorize about useful improvements hospital administration can apply to have a positive effect on patients. Consider such social factors as a technological base, economic conditions, cultural background, tolerance, building location, etc.

The third component of your personal philosophy of nursing paper MSN requires may relate directly to health. The general well-being of a person greatly depends on genetics. Chances for obtaining certain diseases depend on ancestors. Emotions influence health too. Various symptoms may have a psychosomatic origin. Thus, you can dwell on prescribing a placebo to reassure patients and describe personal thoughts.

The final nursing component highlights delivering treatment services for obtaining optimal health outcomes. Consider factors, which influence the entire healing process like technology, collaboration, knowledge, clinical judgment skills, etc. Besides, A-grade students often mention actions that nurses must do to help patients and preserve their human dignity. Personal real-world situations allow supporting statements with examples.

Pro Advice on How to Write a Personal Philosophy of Nursing Paper

Even with general ideas on paper, many students still struggle writing their personal nursing philosophy. Nevertheless, there are ways to make your life with this task easier. Initially, collect all the assignment requirements. Often, professors indicate what points to write about. That will hint you some nice ideas, which tutors expect to read. Having a good example of personal philosophy on advanced practice nursing and healthcare may also help a lot with this.

Outlining is next. Many nursing students just sit and think over their thoughts. However, without proper organization, such a writing process will take ages. Develop an outline where you list every point or question. Then, you can put down all the answers in logical order. Such an approach greatly eases further editing.

While aiming for the top grades from professors, make sure fulfilling such steps:

  • Writing in the correct academic style.
  • Reaching maximum text uniqueness.
  • Finding and correcting any mistakes.
  • Submitting finished paper within terms.

You should never underestimate how much time you can spend on proofreading and editing. It is difficult to create errorless texts from the first try. That is why, before showing the text to professors, use some time for corrections if you have it. However, do not change written concepts and ideas too much, as the editing process will never end.

Even when the personal philosophy of nursing paper requires dwelling on important subjects, you should keep it brief. Focus on describing thought within several sentences. When you need to review the paper again, you will not spend hours reading endless thoughts. Avoid using words, which do not bring any new information.

Olivia Reynolds
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